Look what just arrived in the mail!
OK… so when Frank introduced the Blueberry Danish – I was tempted BUT I thought, I can wait. This one looks good, but, I need to exercise some self-control. It will be here in a couple of weeks or so when you’re ready to buy.
Same thing with the Earl Grey Cheesecake, although I must admit that it was even harder to exercise my self-control here… I mean, it was EARL GREY and CHEESECAKE. I love Earl Grey. I love Cheesecake. I wanted and I wanted it right away but, I was patient and I decided to wait another week or two.
But this week, I could not contain it. I HAD to order this tea. Of course, I ordered the other two I just mentioned at the same time… and I look forward to trying those very soon. But this is the first one I had to try.
I love Watermelon. The problem is that with Watermelon teas… so few companies blend it right and the watermelon ends up tasting just … I don’t know … off. But, if I have faith in any tea artist (other than myself) it is Frank. He is the best. (notice I am trying to butter him up so that he’ll make my tomato, basil and black pepper green tea blend soon )
And I am not disappointed! The watermelon flavor tastes perfect here… the flavors are a little light, but this is a green tea, so I expect that. If the flavors were any stronger, they would overwhelm the sencha base, and I really like the green tea that Frank uses. It is sweet and buttery and is the perfect base for these fruit flavors (and would also be a delightful base for a tomato, basil, and black pepper blend).
The raspberry flavor is sweet and slightly tart and really brings out some of the more delicate flavors of the watermelon, rather than overwhelming them.
Yum Yum Yum!
This tasting note makes me VERY happy since I didn’t get hardly any watermelon from the watermelon black.
This note makes me want to order this tea as I sooo much prefer watermelon to raspberry…
I gotta get the watermelon blackberry. Blackberry beats raspberry in my book hands down.
There’s a watermelon blackberry? In stock?
Oh opps. I’m an idiot. It’s an ROT black blend. Sorry, I’ve had a headache all day and am not thinking.
mmm…This review makes me want this tea :P
lol…I didn’t even see what Lori said until after I wrote my comment!