Sipdown no. 199. After last night, there was only enough left for a couple of cups so it became a prime sipdown candidate.
I’ve been sticking my unaccounted for teas into my Steepster cupboard, both because a desire to be anal about it overtook me and because it is helping me to remember what I have. My cupboard has grown tremendously as a result, so it is nice to have something to take out instead of put in.
It’s a good tisane, and I’m now pretty happy with how true it is to its name. So I’m rating it high.
At the moment though, it’s not something I’m ready to put on the shopping list. Lately I find myself favoring fruity tisanes rather than desserty ones, so though it’s definitely something I’d put on the list were I in the mood for something like it, I’m just not in the mood.
In other news, I did go to The Force Awakens today. I’d forgotten how much I like going to the movies by myself.
It was great fun, and so much better than the prequel trilogy. Much more in line with the original Skywalker trilogy. Han, Leia, and Luke may have just made it cool to be old. About time. ;-)
ETA: As it happens, this has been discontinued so even if I wanted to put it on my shopping list, I couldn’t.
I totally like going to the movies by myself too. So annoying how people say that you’re a loser if you do that. Uh no, it’s called not having an insecurity haha. And I’m glad to hear that it’s a lot better than the prequel trilogy since that really disappointed me.
LOL. I think people who think going to the movies by themselves makes them a loser don’t enjoy their own company, which means others probably don’t either, which makes them losers. See what I did there? You will like the movie. I am already planning to go see it again.
Friends at movies are important. They’re the people who nudge me awake when I inevitably get bored and nod off during the movie. :D
Hah! Well, this one, I feel sure, won’t be one you’ll sleep through if you’re at all a Star Wars fan!
Total logic, Morgana haha. Good sign you want to see it again!
I have a hard enough time falling asleep at night, in my own bed, pitch black and minimal noise, let alone in a public place!