Obukucha, you are so tasty. I could almost have you for lunch instead of miso, you remind me that much of a brothy salty seaweedy soup.
I am so sad that this is only sold around the new year. I placed an order with Obubu tea to try and get another sencha and a sample of their sakura so that I can sort of have some kind of salty beverage in my future, but I am still going to miss this cup.
It is my ideal green. From the flavor profiles it almost seems like I should be looking more for a gyokuro if I want something similar, so I suppose my next step will be to research that. In the meantime, does anyone have any idea who supplied this tea for the Select Box? I love them so much for it. If you have any recommendations for similar tasting teas I’ll take that too.
So so SO good, and now it’s all gone. I hope my sencha gets here fast..