Hmm. I think I missed reviewing this tea when I had it on its own. Oops. Sorry, Fjellrev. Thank you for the samples! :)
I’ve mixed this 50/50 with the Chocolate Chai, as I only had 1 tsp of each left and wanted a full mug. It smells so chocolatey. I even added some dark chocolate silk almond milk to it, for extra chocolate. You might think I was hormonal or something, the way I’m sipping down these chocolatey teas! (255, go me!)
Oh, this mix is really good! So much chocolate. A little chai spice, but not too much. Some caramel buttery sweetness thrown in. This hits the spot. :)
I don’t think I’d buy either of these teas, but now I’m thinking of adding chocolate milk to their English Toffee, just for a different flavour!
i steep as an oolong too. i agree on the coconut =0)