It’s hilarious that I’m reviewing this now, because I’m pretty sure it’s been at least two years (perhaps 3) since DT stopped making it. So you’ve correctly deduced that I’m currently drinking some old-ass tea!
I had fallen in love with this back when I first discovered the exciting new world of dessert teas, when DT opened in my city. I thought this was amazing. I was seriously pissed when they discontinued this one and the chocolate cake tea in favor of keeping birthday cake. Birthday Cake, the nasty rooibos tea that I couldn’t get past….I haven’t had it in years, but that was my opinion then.
So, I’ve been hoarding my small packet of this ever since, my precioussssssssss! Hoarding, but not actually drinking, which I realize now is stupid. The tea gets worse with age, not better. I can’t honestly tell you that age has ruined what I have left of this, it’s been sealed in its zippy bag all this time…. But I also can’t tell you that I’m enjoying this cup. ‘Cause I’m not.
Why would anyone think that ice cream cake would make a good tea flavor? How can you ever replicate that?! No wonder they stopped making it. It’s like drinking liquid chemicals, which I imagine that’s mostly what it is anyway. I would not be surprised if the deliciousness has faded with time, but I suspect this is more or less the perfect nutshell example of how far my tea tastes have come in the last few years.
Also a lesson that hoarding tea is pointless, how can you enjoy it if you don’t drink it? Then you try, but it’s old and disappointing.
I can taste a suggestion of ice cream cake, but honestly man, if I want ice cream or ice cream cake, there’s no way I’m going to pretend to talk myself into thinking a cup of fake flavored tea would take care of the craving.
I even put some milk in this to add some creaminess. It’s not terrible, but I don’t even feel compelled to keep my last little bit. There are way better teas to drink!
I’ve got about enough of this left for 2 cups I think, so if any dessert tea fans out there are curious and just want to try this for fun, it’s yours! Just let me know!
Goodbye, ice cream cake tea. You represent everything I used to love. When I was young and innocent.
What books are you getting?
Tea Enthusiast’s Handbook (Heiss)
New Tea Lover’s Treasury (Pratt)