Cold 911 (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Apple, Juniper, Natural Orange Flavor, Peppermint
Mint, Citrus, Medicinal, Eucalyptus, Menthol, Peppermint, Pine, Herbs, Anise, Orange, Alcohol, Apple, Berries, Berry, Smooth, Citrusy, Spearmint, Fruity, Orange Zest, Sweet, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Earth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 4 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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Bad colds require great interventions. Take this tea, for example. It’s a deliciously soothing mix of peppermint, juniper berries and orange peel. Pretty great, right? If that’s not extreme enough for you, you could try eating raw garlic, or gargling salt water, or inhaling lots of steam. Yeah…we didn’t think so. Probably better just to stick to the tea. With its soothing citrus and mint aroma we can’t guarantee miracle results, but at least we can guarantee it tastes great. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: peppermint, juniper berries, orange peel. With natural eucalyptus and orange oil.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

262 Tasting Notes

516 tasting notes

Getting sick of being sick.
And sick of this tea.
BECAUSE : I’m drinking 10 cups a day.

But it’s worth it.


Sorry 4 U!


Sorry 4 U!


oops hit enter twice


I hope you get to feeling better soon.


Get better soon!


Feel better!!!


just got over sickness myself. drown it in tea and feel better!

Kay Kanada

Hmm, maybe someone should work on turning this stuff into a cold syrup. Steeped extra strong, then boiled down with some agave – a teaspoon of “bye bye cold”!


Where’s the like button for the above comment… :P

Daisy Chubb

Aw thanks everyone :D
Wow Kay, super awesome idea! And super easy and tasty I bet. I will try that next time for sure.
I’m on the mend, but all of my favorite tea containers now reek of mint and juniper berries haha. To soak they go.

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16841 tasting notes

Nasty nasty sick tea. Well, sorta.

Called in sick again; I don’t think they were very impressed with me but seeing as I work with food I thought it was the most responsible thing to do. But regardless, if I’m not feeling better tomorrow calling in sick wont be an option for me financially…

Dentist this morning went pretty well; and then I went and bulked up on cough medicine and, since I was in the area, stopped at DT and got some of this to drink today as a sick tea, as well as a couple other samples. Also picked up one of those adorable textured perfect mugs; the yellow one. I’ve yet to ‘break it in’ though – gonna have to pick a really good tea to christen it with.

And then, while I was waiting for my bus I popped in to a random store with ceramics and such because I noticed they had a whole section devoted to tea cups and pots, and I fell in love with a tea set! It’s so cute! If I feel better today I’ll take pictures. But, it’s this light grey colour with red and near navy blue accents and a floral pattern. I think part of why I love it so much is ‘cause it’s not white/doesn’t have a white ‘interior’. I’m always on the lookout for teaware with non-white insides – it stains less easily.

So, now I’m on my third pot of this one. Apparently I must have really liked this the first time I had it because I gave it a rating of “90” – I’m thinking I’m definitely going to have to revise that. Dry, I think the leaf for this one reeks; it smells so strongly of eucalyptus and is reminding me of the menthol heavy Buckley’s I’ve been taking to feel better. Yuck.

Taste wise it’s actually not so bad though; the eucalyptus is actually tolerable. It’s not so much that I dislike eucalyptus though; this blend just has a lot of it. I’m also definitely picking up on the pine flavour from the junipers, and I think the orange is very strong. I’m not registering the mint very well though. Certainly this is never something I’d want to drink casually, but as a ‘sick tea’ it’s not so bad. As long as I don’t stop to smell it, that is.

And, I think it must be helping at least a little; I haven’t been coughing nearly as much and I don’t feel so congested. Plus, normally when I’m sick I also have a killer headache; but I’m all clear on that front today. And hopefully I haven’t jinxed myself by saying so.

I fully anticipate going through another pot of this, at least, before the day is up!

Flavors: Eucalyptus, Menthol, Orange, Pine


I hope you get well soon! Also I think it is such bullshit that food businesses have a tizzy when a person calls in sick, honestly do they know nothing about how illnesses spread? Grumble grumble…


Eek, I hope you feel better quickly!


Feel better soon. And yes, I agree sick people should not work around food if possible


Feel better, Ros. Hugs!

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513 tasting notes

I love cold and flu season, not. This is not a tea I reach for quickly or often, but it is not awful either. I like it when I have a bit of cold, because the menthol helps make me feel a but more human again. Though, I would not consider this a tea I drink for pleasure, it certainly makes having to drink cold fighting teas more enjoyable.

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576 tasting notes

Thanks to the wonderfully awesome QuiltGuppy for sending some of this my way (along with many other samples). I’ve been dealing with allergies lately, and my throat is really sore. I can take benadryl, but then I pass out so it’s not a work-friendly solution.

This, on the other hand, is great! No, it’s not really medicinal, but it has a great placebo effect goin’ – I felt better after drinking it. :)

I love the eucalyptus smell (one of my faves) of the dry leaves. The peppermint is very strong as well. One sip later and I taste peppermint, menthol, a ginger-y/citrusy flavor, and a bit of the eucalyptus as well. The brewed tea smells as good as the dry version; my headache is starting to feel better too.

Thanks again, QG! :)

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709 tasting notes

A wonderful co-worker of mine shared some of this with me and I truly appreciate it as I am sick at the moment and was looking for something more than plain mint! My sample wasn’t quite big enough for the mug I am using so the infusion is a bit weak after about ten minutes but I get lovely juniper and mint at the front, two flavours that I really enjoy. I’m not really picking up orange on it’s own but I think it’s there holding everything together. hey, I’m sick – what do you expect? : )

I think I prefer Detox for the bolder juniper but I love the mint in here. If the beau liked mint like I do I would keep a stock of this on hand but alas, he does not. I feel like this one cost a lot more when it first came out and that deterred me from trying it but now I’m thinking I should have some on hand for at work. If only my head would stop aching so I could enjoy it fully!


I hope you feel better soon!

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218 tasting notes

So I’m all better now, and it definitely helped clear out my sinuses, so its a worthwhile tea to keep around. But by golly its intense!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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570 tasting notes

Third (fourth? Seventh?) cup in two days. Can you burn out on a tea? I hope to god not, because this is wonderful for all my sicky icky.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

I could use some of that…


Order from Daaaaviiiiiid wiggles fingers commandingly


I was there last night checking it out! But peppermint gives me heartburn so none for me… oh well. :(

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658 tasting notes

I’m sure like many others, this isn’t something I would choose outside of being sick. But, it is actually relatively tasty (when you can’t taste/smell, especially), and it does provide some measure of relief. It’s strong enough to fight through all the nastiness of a cold to offer you some taste. My sinuses are feeling horribly inflamed and my eyes are watering, so I’m off to make some more! With some fresh ginger and a dash of cayenne. Pulling out all the stops, folks. I have two more papers and three exams to get through before I’m allowed to be sick!

And, I usually strongly dislike juniper. It really bothers me in Detox. But here I either don’t notice the juniper berries or am okay with them.


Feel better soon. I know what I took it when I felt a cold coming it stopped it in it’s tracks. Which is great since I can’t take anything.
And can I just say it is nice to have my laptop back so I can be here on Steepster.


I’m so glad this one is back in stock. I should have stocked up a few weeks ago.


Thanks, Cattibrie! I’ve had good luck fending off colds so far this season but this time my boyfriend was sick and it’s next to impossible not to be infected by someone you live with. I’m feeling whiny about this cold but it’s not nearly as bad as it could be. This stuff is really helping.

The Purrfect Cup: I only got 30 g, for some reason! Thankfully it’s a light tea but I’m thinking I definitely need to stock up tomorrow too.


My husband and son had a cold when I started to get mine. Hubby wouldn’t take the tea and suffered for 3 weeks. I managed to avoid it with this tea.


That’s awesome! Miracle potion.

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137 tasting notes

This is the only tea I keep in my cupboard despite hating how it tastes. It is way too minty and way too orangey for me, and the juniper berries don’t do much for me either. It’s a struggle for me to get a mug of this down, even when I’m sick.

But I love it for the same reasons that I hate it. It’s really super strong, in both flavour and scent, and is sometimes the only thing I’m actually able to taste when I’m all stuffy. It does make me feel a bit better, but not substantially so. If I’m really sick, I can’t stomach the flavour, so I reach for something gentler like Mother’s Little Helper. But for a bad case of the stuffies, this blend isn’t so bad. I love that there’s eucalyptus in it though! I love the scent and I’ve rarely seen it in a tea blend.

I don’t know whether I’ll repurchase this when it’s done, if only because of the fact that it can really turn my stomach. I’m more of a lemon-ginger person when I’m sick, and tend to avoid the strong mint.

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150 tasting notes

This tea is saving my life right now. Big cyber non-germ-transfering hugs to the wonderful QuiltGuppy for sending me such a generous sample of this soothing herbal tea.

Mint, eucalyptus, other stuff… I’m tired and not feeling very descriptive at the moment. I must be off to bed.

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