Nasty nasty sick tea. Well, sorta.
Called in sick again; I don’t think they were very impressed with me but seeing as I work with food I thought it was the most responsible thing to do. But regardless, if I’m not feeling better tomorrow calling in sick wont be an option for me financially…
Dentist this morning went pretty well; and then I went and bulked up on cough medicine and, since I was in the area, stopped at DT and got some of this to drink today as a sick tea, as well as a couple other samples. Also picked up one of those adorable textured perfect mugs; the yellow one. I’ve yet to ‘break it in’ though – gonna have to pick a really good tea to christen it with.
And then, while I was waiting for my bus I popped in to a random store with ceramics and such because I noticed they had a whole section devoted to tea cups and pots, and I fell in love with a tea set! It’s so cute! If I feel better today I’ll take pictures. But, it’s this light grey colour with red and near navy blue accents and a floral pattern. I think part of why I love it so much is ‘cause it’s not white/doesn’t have a white ‘interior’. I’m always on the lookout for teaware with non-white insides – it stains less easily.
So, now I’m on my third pot of this one. Apparently I must have really liked this the first time I had it because I gave it a rating of “90” – I’m thinking I’m definitely going to have to revise that. Dry, I think the leaf for this one reeks; it smells so strongly of eucalyptus and is reminding me of the menthol heavy Buckley’s I’ve been taking to feel better. Yuck.
Taste wise it’s actually not so bad though; the eucalyptus is actually tolerable. It’s not so much that I dislike eucalyptus though; this blend just has a lot of it. I’m also definitely picking up on the pine flavour from the junipers, and I think the orange is very strong. I’m not registering the mint very well though. Certainly this is never something I’d want to drink casually, but as a ‘sick tea’ it’s not so bad. As long as I don’t stop to smell it, that is.
And, I think it must be helping at least a little; I haven’t been coughing nearly as much and I don’t feel so congested. Plus, normally when I’m sick I also have a killer headache; but I’m all clear on that front today. And hopefully I haven’t jinxed myself by saying so.
I fully anticipate going through another pot of this, at least, before the day is up!
Flavors: Eucalyptus, Menthol, Orange, Pine
Sorry 4 U!
Sorry 4 U!
oops hit enter twice
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Get better soon!
Feel better!!!
just got over sickness myself. drown it in tea and feel better!
Hmm, maybe someone should work on turning this stuff into a cold syrup. Steeped extra strong, then boiled down with some agave – a teaspoon of “bye bye cold”!
Where’s the like button for the above comment… :P
Aw thanks everyone :D
Wow Kay, super awesome idea! And super easy and tasty I bet. I will try that next time for sure.
I’m on the mend, but all of my favorite tea containers now reek of mint and juniper berries haha. To soak they go.