Strange. . . I used same brewing parameters as last time, but I don’t detect the same bitterness. Maybe because its still pretty hot? Sometimes I notice bitter more as tea cools.
Some random comments about the “new” Steepster:
*I can’t put in decimal amounts for teaspoons. My “teaspoon” is one of those perfect cup kind that holds slightly more than your every-day kitchen teaspoon, so I like to say 1.5. . but I can’t. oh well.
*I noticed in the list of tasting note quotes that show up on a tea page, the name displayed below my note is my facebook username, not the one I use for this site (which is my real name). Not that I particularly care, but this may confuse some people who don’t recognize the different names. Anyway, that is all :)
I’m the same with greens. I’m at my all-time high with 3 in the cupboard hah!
i have a few more than 3 but only 2? actual purchases of SMALL quantities…the other couple are samples from ppl