1184 Tasting Notes


A good, cost effective white tea. A nice, light taste. Nothing fancy but sometimes that’s a good thing. Easy on the palate and easy on the wallet. A good combination in my book! Easily found in any grocery store that sells President’s Choice products.

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drank Organic White Tea by Touch Organic
1184 tasting notes

This is a good white tea. Not too strong and goes down smooth. You can’t beat the price either. I bought a box of 100 teabags for around 7 dollars. Bargain! Sometimes I don’t want a cup of tea with all the bells and whistles. Sometimes I’m only in the mood for something plain and simple. This fills the bill perfectly on those such occasions.

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This is a nice, light green tea with a light mint taste. I quite like it. I find it soothing and refreshing. I drink a lot of green tea but sometimes I get bored with it so I like to change it up by drinking a green tea that has another flavour added. I find any tea with mint added, helps settle my stomach if I’m having tummy issues.

Flavors: Green, Mint

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Not my favourite green tea. I find it a little pungent and bitter. I don’t hate it and still drink it on occasion but there are better ones out there. I prefer my green tea on the mild side and this one is stronger so if that’s what you prefer then you might like it. Aside from the strong green tea taste, it also has a strong jasmine flavour which I don’t care for. I’m not caring much for jasmine these days. If you like your tea bold, you may want to give this a try but if you’re like me (a tea wimp) then I would give this one a pass. (Since others have said that for them this tea is light flavoured, I should mention that I drink it with the tea bag left in so maybe that’s why it seems so strong to me.)

Flavors: Green, Jasmine

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drank Three Cinnamon by Pukka
1184 tasting notes

A straight-forward, comforting, smooth cinnamon tea made from three different types of cinnamon bark. This tastes like a high quality tea with high quality ingredients. The cinnamon flavour is pure tasting and thankfully the licorice flavour does not overpower the cinnamon (not a licorice fan in tea.) This cinnamon tea is really well done and if you like cinnamon, I would recommend trying it.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Licorice

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I am not a fan of ginger. I wish I was though as I know the many health benefits associated with it. I just don’t like the taste, especially if it’s on it’s own. This tea has a strong, natural ginger taste which I think lovers of ginger would appreciate. I drink it when I’m sick as I know it helps, even though I do not enjoy the taste. It deserves a higher rating than I’ve given it but I just can’t rate it higher because I don’t like ginger! However, I would not hesitate to recommend this to anyone looking for a good ginger tea.

Flavors: Ginger

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A decent option if you’re looking for a decaff green tea. Sometimes I want a green tea without the caffeine, especially if I’m drinking it in the evening. I bought this tea from my local health food store and was assured that the process in which the tea was decaffeinated was done naturally using the highest standards with complete customer satisfaction in mind. This tea is light and not bitter with a light lemongrass flavour. I like it as an alternative to all my other green teas that have caffeine in them. Not sure if I would repurchase but I would recommend this brand to anyone who is looking for a decaffeinated green tea.

Flavors: Green

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This is a nice, light, smooth green tea with a hint of lemon. It’s been my go-to green tea for awhile now. It’s mild flavour makes it super easy to drink. I don’t find it bitter at all. The lemon adds a little something extra special. Easily found in any grocery store that sells President’s Choice products and the price is reasonable. An added bonus is that it’s also organic. I’ll always have a box of this tea on hand.

Flavors: Green, Lemon

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drank Snickerdoodle by DAVIDsTEA
1184 tasting notes

I really like this. It’s sweet but not over-the-top sweet. The flavour does remind me of a snickerdoodle cookie. I love the aroma once it’s steeped. It smells really good! Just like a sweet, baked dessert you’d find in a bakery. This is one of those teas that fills the need if you’re craving something sweet but don’t want all the fat and calories. I add a bit of milk in mine to make it taste a bit creamier but I don’t think it’s really necessary, I’m sure it’s just as good with nothing added. This is another one that I’ll want to keep on hand so I can treat myself now and then. I can see serving this to guests and them really loving it too.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Pastries, Rooibos, Sweet

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drank Chocolate Macaroon by DAVIDsTEA
1184 tasting notes

I enjoyed this. It tasted exactly like how I expected it to, chocolate and coconut. Not too sweet but rather just the right amount of sweetness. I don’t like adding too much to my teas and prefer their natural sweetness so I appreciate that with this tea. When I was drinking it, it seemed like a special treat and I could totally see this being a crowd pleaser. The ratio of chocolate to coconut seems perfect. I’m getting the right amount of both with each sip. Definitely a comforting, dessert type of tea. I wouldn’t drink this one every single day as it seems more like a special treat to me and a little rich for every day consumption but I can see myself always wanting to have some of this on hand for those days that I need a nice, warm hug in the form of a hot tea! Yum!

Flavors: Chocolate, Coconut

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I’ve been a member of Steepster since 2014 and decided to finally update my ancient Bio now that it’s 2022. (Updating again in 2024!)

I’ve loved tea my entire life, since I was a kid. Starting with Orange Pekoe, then Irish Breakfast, Rosehip, Earl Grey, Green and White and now, I’ll drink or at least try, just about any tea.

One of my favourite things to do is meeting my friends at the coffee shop, sitting and sipping for hours while we chat and laugh and enjoy each other. We try to do this at least once a week or when our work schedules match up. Tea and coffee brings people together!

I live in Ontario, Canada and work at a Winners/Homesense combo store.
I have a 12 year old cat, Tucker, who is diabetic and asthmatic (and completely toothless) but still enjoys his life to the fullest and he truly is the sweetest boy.(Tucker sadly passed away in 2023, one month after he turned 14.)

I don’t always post every single time I drink tea, I’m kind of sporatic that way but I do enjoy reading what you all are drinking and your reviews.

Stay safe and healthy!



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