Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – November 2023 Tea #5 – A bold tea
This was certainly one of Zen’s “finest” teas, not like that is what the name actually means, and also most of Zen’s teas were teas I wanted to keep steeping! I’d say I was a repeat buyer of most of the teas I tried from Zen. The crew at Zen had good tea tastes, which is why I’m extra sad they stopped selling tea. I have never bought any teaware from them, as I don’t really buy any teaware at all. The tea leaves are vast around here but the teaware is few. haha. Though I do admire when some of you have the perfect vessels for teas or occasions for drinking them! Anyway, this is certainly a very flavorful tea, even after all these years, I’m impressed. Rich with that classic CLASSIC Keemun flavor I can never describe — maybe like lychee mixed with bittersweet/dark chocolate? Definitely a classic keemun. I will miss this tea. No back up pouches!
2023 sipdowns: 95
Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Lychee
I bought both tea and teaware from them, and I miss several of the teas but also most of the teaware says “sold out” when you shop on the site. I enjoyed purchasing from them and wish they could have had better luck with their tea sales.