I loved the Dessert By Deb tea I had a couple days ago, so I had to run and find this among the teas Cameron B sent. Thanks, Cameron B! The scent from the pouch is true to name. I didn’t even hesitate to bypass reading the ingredients list since it smelled so good, other than to check that the base is houjicha. Sadly, the steeped tea is FULL hibiscus. Just drowning in it to the point that I then had to read the ingredients list to see if there was anything else in it other than hibiscus… and houjicha. But there are plenty of lovely ingredients here! Even if coconut seems really weird with some tart fruit flavors — the problem is mainly the hibiscus. I really would have liked this if the hibiscus had been left out. Maybe I shall pick some of the hibiscus out in the future? The second steep seemed toned down on the hibiscus but the other flavors were still missing. What a shame!
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons // 20 minutes after boiling // 2-3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 min
Flavors: Hibiscus