297 Tasting Notes
This is a beautiful tea. It’s smooth (yet I can’t understand how it’s smooth with the amount of different teas in it), yet kind of smoky, but not overly so.
It’s nicely spiced & a touch citrusy. It’s just yum. I hate when I love a tea, but failed to buy enough of it. This is one of those teas. So far I have liked every tea I’ve had from Whispering Pines.
I got this one because I had read a few reviews saying this one was better than DAVIDsTEA’s version. Better? Is that even possible? I feel that it’s probably the same… as was Autumn Leaves the same as Oh Canada.
It smells the same, looks the same.
I have to say they taste the same as well, which is just fine by me. I love both versions and you can never have enough of your favourite tea. When I run out of one, I’ve got the other.
Super yum!
This is one of those teas I knew I wouldn’t like, but had to at least try.
The dry notes smell like a chai flavoured coffee, as opposed to q coffee flavoured chai. Hmmm not quote what I expected
The steeped notes smells mainly the same.
It has a rather hot tamales candy flavour to it (in the US I do believe they’re called red hots). It’s interesting , it has a slight coffee tastes, it kind of good (I hate coffee). As it cools the coffee flavours come out way more and then I can’t drink it.
If you like coffee, you’ll like this. If you’re a coffee hater you probably won’t like it. Definetly not a tea for me.
I way over steeped this one, probably 12mins or so. I forgot about it while chatting with my daughter after I got home from work. I’ve had one tea that tasted like a ginger snap. Other than ginger snaps, I’m not much a fan of gingerbread cookies.
This tea is ginger like, but more of a bakey ginger than thie kind of ginger you get from most teas. Generally I find ginger can way overpower a tea and ruin it.
This works nicely, ginger like, sweet perhaps a bit fruity. Not really bakey like a cookie. A nice yummy bedtime tea.
I didn’t know if I’d like this one. I’m not generally a fan of other pumpkin flavoured things like ,cheesecake. I wasn’t sure how chocolate would lend itself to pumpkin.
The dry notes smell kind of like artificial chocolate, musty ick. Steeped it smells chocolatey and pumpkiny
My first few sips I felt it tasted like tootsie rolls. Yummy delicious tootsie rolls, but that aren’t getting stuck in your teeth. This is yummy, I’m impressed. The more this tea cools the more it tastes like pumpkin pie mixed with some chcolate. Another win for Della Terra.
Om nom nom
Ohhh first note for this tea.
I received my second order today from Della Terra. So many teas for such a good price. But I’m left wishing I had ordered 2oz of them.
The dry leaves smell mostly of apple and the faintest hint of nuts. Steeped it smells more nutty, applet and oatmeal like.
This tea tastes apple like and nutty, its also quite sweet, but not overly so.. I find as this cools the nut flavour comes out more. This is a great evening tea. I have been having a hard time finding night time yeas that are reminiscent of fall and safe for me at night. (Insomniac and anxiety prone, over here)
Dear Della Terra Teas, why you make teas so yummy? I think you may be my new favourite tea company, even above DAVIDsTEA & I LOVE DT. But you Della Terra, you are awesome.
I can’t believe this tea received anything below a 90 rating. It’s too yummy.
The dry notes smell like I opened a bag of truffles, it’s malty, milky, chocolatey goodness. Oh boy! No artificial chocolate in here.
The steeped tea brews up to a nice medium brown colour. The taste…. oh the taste, malty, creamy, chocolatey. Slightly sweet, with a hint of bitterness, everything that makes up the perfect chocolate truffle. And then you get the whole subtly spicy chilis. This is so freakin good.
I received this as a sample with my order.
The description of this tea reminds me exactly of camping in Northern Ontario. As much as this tea drew me in I didn’t want to commit to a larger size because it isn’t really a flavoured tea & it had pine needles in the description. I like my pine needles on the ground.
Alas I am disappointed I didn’t include this as a larger portion. It steeps up to a beautiful light green. The taste is very light, refreshing & reminicent of my days of camping in a secluded forest. Where you can hear all the beautiful sounds of nature & smell everything so exquisitely.
I didn’t really get the pine needle flavour or smell. But this is a beautiful tea that I feel I can drink all the time. I guess I have to place another order to order myself 2oz of this.
Glad you liked it! I’d really like to camp in Northern Ontario! I’m going to be moving the company back home to Michigan (in the UP) next year. Can’t take being away from nature and good camping any longer! I love how adventurous a lot of tea drinkers are – I think it’s the type of person that is attracted to tea. As a suggestion if you place another order, I’m certain you’d very much enjoy the new River Rain green tea, too. Cheers!
I received this in a swap either from Alphakitty or Jes sorry I can’t remember who.
This is super cinnamony smelling, like hot, spicy cinnamon, not bakey cinnamon. It steeps up to the same scent. So delicious.
This tea is super sweet. Wow! It would he great if it wasn’t for all the sweetness. As it cooled it got even sweeyer. It had a nice flavour when and if you can get past the sugary sweetness.
Backlog from yesterday.
This is my second tea from whispering pines and it smells delicious. Very chai, very spicy. There is a ton of coconut in it, but I don’t get the smell of coconut.
This steeps up to pure deliciousness. It’s a right in your face chai, the way a chai should be. Unfortunetly I don’t get any coconut. I’m gonna tryththe stove top method with it AMD see if that helps.
Don’t get me wrong, this is fabulous chai. I just want more coconut flavour.
Remember to grab a bit more of this next time – I’ve just redesigned it a little bit…it’s WAYYYY better :)