297 Tasting Notes
This is my 4th new to me tea in my order (I think I’ve tried all the new ones now).
It’s definetly blueberry smelling, but more to the artificial blueberry side. And there are a ton of blueberries in there.
Alright so I’ve said before I come from the home of THE best blueberries. I don’t care what anyone says. This is now the 4th blueberry tea I try and although it’s good, I think it’s the inferior blueberry tea. It tastes NOTHING like Northern Ontario blueberries. :(
It’s too artifical blueberry like to compare. Although the next time I am going to make this on the stove with a touch of rock sugar & milk. Maybe I am just spoiled to delicious blueberries.
So I think I have to do a Teavivre order and get some of their Blueberry Fruit tea, because so far it has come the closest.
New to me tea #3 from my order.
This is such a pretty leaf tea. Sprinkled with white chocolate chips & red & white sprinkles. Super cute.
It smells sweet & cake like. Om nom nom. I had my very first red velvet cupcake a few months ago. I have to say after the first couple of bites I didn’t like it, by the 4th or so I was in love! <3 And I have been craving it ever since.
I love sweets but would choose a piece of dessert (ie. cheesecake, a cupcake etc), over a chocolate bar. And usually dessert teas don’t really cut it. But let me tell you, this little gem ERMAHGERD!
It’s sweet, delicious, bakey & cakey goodness. I can’t really say it tastes like red velvet, but it’s definetly creamy icing like & cake. Straight up cake! It’s thick in my mouth. drool I wants more!!!!!!! I feel like I ate a piece of cake with icing. I must buy more of this. I will probably get one of the pretty tins if I can find them
Tea #2 from my order (I bought a few new to me teas & some tried & true favs like 200g of Forever Nuts).
The dry notes smell sweet & fruity, a find it’s more of a mixed berry fruit smell than strictly cranberry. I’m not really getting any of the spices from it. I do smell a green/earthy like smell which I attribute more to the mistletoe than the actual green tea.
It steeps up a golden green colour, but really I think it should be red. The taste is delicious, sweet, fruity & green tasting. I really think it could use more of the cinnamon & anise flavours. That would definetly up the rating.
Maybe this is just silly or the placebo affect because I know there is mistletoe in it, but this tea really is almost magical & Christmas tasting.
My package finally arrived. YAY!! I tore into it Luke a kid on Christmas morning. I diwcovered there were no samples in my order… What the? Is it nit picky that I e-mailed them about it? Samples are almost the best part.
So i promised my girls I would let them pick a few and wrap them for me for Christmas morning. But I couldnt resist opening and sampling some
Onto this tea. I love mint, I live coconut. This tea smells mostly minty, that made me worry it would just taste like a plqin old peppermint tea. Luckily it doesn’t. This is definitely something different, yummy but different. It’s minty, creamy and tastes like after eight mints, but on occasion it tastes coconutty, completely changing the taste.
I kinda wish this had more coconut flavour to it. But very yum!
What?!? I haven’t reviewed this yet? How terrible of me.
This is my second cup of this and it is amazingly delicious. It’s nutty, slightly sweet and a bit fruity. So much walnut flavour. This is a great any time tea. So in love with this one. Perhaps it may be my fav green tea.
I finally got my order, this with 2 others.
I love the smell of the dry leaves. Minty and marshmallowey mmmmm yum!
Eeeee as it steels it smells a little funky.
The taste is a sweet spearmint flavour, with a touch of creamy marshmallow goodness. And then it follows up with a delicious green tea base.
I’m not positive on how I feel about it, entirely. I like it, but its strange.
I wanted something fall like. We’re getting a little of the backlash from Sandy. It’s cold, windy & rainy.
I wanted fall like but yet something new. I had grabbed Summer Breeze out of the traveling tea box, & it smells very apple like (but more like crab apples, which I had a tree of in my yard when I was growing up). Apples=fall, then I needed spices. So I took my Vanilla Chai from Tea & Bloom. The mix was 1 & 1/2 perfect tsps of each tea. Steeped for about 3 mins.
It’s apple like & a little spicy. I don’t find either flavour is really shinning out, they just kind of meld together & not in a superb way, but just a kind of decent taste.
It does have that slight apple bitter taste that you get from crab apples.
Another goodie from the traveling tea box.
I mixed this up the way I have been with matchas. Milk and ice in my metal cocktail shaker.
This smells like eggnog. i havent had actual egg nog in years. My first experince with actual eggnog wasn’t a pleasnat one.
I think this tastes like eggnog, but I enjoy it this time around. Creamy, vanilla, custard, spicy. Yup this is so good. I would probably drink this in place of eggnog throughout the holidays.
I’m not suppose to like matcha. I don’t need a new beverage addiction.
I’m thinking about starting on protein shakes in the am, since I don’t usually eat breakfawt. I wonder how the flavoured matchas would lend to it?
My experience combining protein shakes and matcha has been great. It tastes great and really gives you a boost in the morning. For a morning shake I’d recommend Spirutein, it’s very good for you and energizing and it tastes great and mixes well with matcha.
Also from the traveling tea box.
I feel the need to dry all DT teas when presented with the opportunity to do so.
This one smells like a hodge-podge of scents.
The taste of it is way too floral like for my taste buds. Ick!
I got this one out of the traveling tea box as well.
It’s peachy, but also appley smelling. The yogurt chips make the tea really cloudy. This tea smells peachy, but not artificial peach which tends to smell like cat pee, however not quite like a real peach.
This is quite good, but I’m sure would be even better iced. Too bad I don’t have any left.
This is one I would definitely like to keep around for the summer.