297 Tasting Notes
Ok let’s face it, i pretty much bought this tea for its name. Halloween is my favourite holiday, so what better way to incorporate two of my favourite things.
The dry. notes are fruity and have a touch of spice, but also smells a little medicinal. The steeped notes are very fruity and this tea brews up a deep red, kinda like blood… Hence vampire! So awesome.
This is very fruity and berry like, its a hodge podge of fruit, but it works. I cant pick out a specific fruit. Right at the end of the sip I get a touch of what I believe to be cardamom, its very light, but its tyere and nice.
I would probably prefer this cold, but it is one that will work both ways.
Oh my goodness! This tea could get 100 based on smell alone. This is quite possibly the best smelling tea I have ever smelt. It smells exactly like a candy cane. It smells sweet and minty. The mix of cinnamon and peppermint blend perfectly in smell.
The black base comes out at the front with quite the bite, its not something I have experienced in a black tea before. The candy cane taste follows directly after. It tastes just like I’m min Hong on a cane I pulled right off my Christmas tree.
I dont generally add anything to my tea, but I think I’m gonna try adding a rock or two of rock sugar to it.
I don’t think the rock sugar really did much for the tea and I don’t want to add more incase it ruins it. As the tea cooled it lost most of the bite from the black tea and kept the deli opus minty candy cane taste.
This is quite a special tea. I’m glad I took the chance on this company. And I wish you could all try this.
I’m guessing this isn’t available online :( Sounds terrific. My mom has a strange obsession with candy canes lol I would love to get her some. Sounds delicious though. I can’t wait for all the Christmas teas.
It actually is available online. It’s a Canadian company. You can find it at teastore.ca they’ve got so many interesting sounding teas. The names of most are the funnest part.
You just made my night lol. And my mothers, she got little kid excited. Thanks! Your review made me add this to my wishlist…
A cold came up & smacked me in the face yesterday evening.So this morning I decided to brew up some of Teavana’s Jinga Citrus Twist with some honey… but I though, well I’m super congested and nothing helps that better than my Teaopia’s Peppermint. So I threw in some of that. So basically it was a 3:1 combination (perfect tea spoons). 3 Jinga, 1 Peppermint & about a teaspoon of honey.
Stupid me I forgot the Jinga was a green tea, but I had already boiled the water & poured it over my leaves. Oops. And then I forgot & steeped it nearly 5 minutes.
The peppermint kind of killed the ginger taste, which is great because ginger in tea isn’t my fav. So it had a nice citrusy taste, with a hint of peppermint.
Ahhhh so soothing! It tastes really good & soothed all the symptoms of this cold, the congestion & overall feeling of sickness.
I’ve tried this iced in store a few times over the summer, mostly because my kids are crazy about it.
In store it is WAY too freakin sweet, belch. It does have a nice blueberry-ey flavour, if you can get past the sweetness. So on my most recent trip into Teavana I bought the exotic iced tea set, mostly for my kids, but there are some flavours in it that I wanted to try.
The dry.notes of the blueberry alone are so delicious, so much blueberry goodness. I live in Northern Ontario where THE best wild blueberries come from, so I know blueberry. The pineapple on its own smells gross. But I mixed em up anyways (this was my first go at blending teas together). I added 4 perfect teaspoons of each flavour to my steeping basket, plopped it into my pitcher added about 1.5 perfect tea spoons of rock sugar (had I been making this for myself i wouldn’t have added the sugar, but it was for my girls.), then I poured the boiling water over it. i allowed it to steep for about 15 mins as per the guy at teavana.
This is nicely blueberry-ey, it probably could have been sweeter for the kids liking, and could have been more blueberry flavoured for my liking. I’m not even sure that I get any flavour from the pineapple. What I definitely don’t get is a Rooibos taste, thank goodness!
As much as I have problems with teavana, I have to admit that I have a strange addiction to this tea. My mom has me make it for her all the time, haha
Hm, sounds interesting. I haven’t tried so much making any ice tea besides orange and mint, need to try some mixing. And I’d love to taste and compare the blueberries from Ontario to these we have here in Finland, although we’re still debating between friends if they’re called blueberries or in fact bilberries. They’re blue. They’re berries. And the debate goes on.
haha Charab, I think there is a difference between blueberries & bilberries. Our blueberry season is a fairly short window & it was way too hot this summer for our blueberries to prosper properly. The city I live in actually has a blueberry festival during the summer.
Insence, my only problem with Teavana is that there stuff is too light on flavour.
hehe, I think so too, since we’ve been taught since school that our berries are also blueberries in english, it’s just slightly different type I guess from the ones you have. Here we had amazingly good season, they were huge! Festival for them is only a right thing to do, that berry is just pure genius.
So this is one of the teas my mom brought me back from her trip to the east coast. I can’t fault the woman for trying, even though I detest Rooibos teas.
The dry notes smell mostly of Rooibos with hints of chocolate and banana. Once steeping it smells a little more chocolatey. But oh so Rooibos smelling. Eeek
So this is actually a drinkable Rooibos for me, it probably has to do with the Rooibos honeybush blend of it . The notes of chocolate and banana are there. I do mostly get the rooibos flavour in it. I don’t think I’m gonna keep this one, but I am always glad to try new teas, you never know when you might find a good one.
Meh this is alright. It’s chocolatey, but artificially so. I’m not getting any strawberry flavour from it, nor the rose thankfully.
I do think this tea made me feel, well umm funny. It was almost anxiety like, but less panicky.
Anywho this won’t be a tea that I stock. I probably wouldnt have finished the tea off had there been more than just the one mug.
I finally got around to trying this. I bought it in the spring (to me anything strawberry, rhubarb is a spring/summer treat, not a fall one) and I’ve steeped it twice and left it too long. So this morning I brewed it up.
The dry notes smell fruity and cinnamonie, and it stays like this through out. I didn’t find this to be a very flavourful tea. It’s very nice tasting, but I don’t find it holds up as a strawberry rhubarb dessert. I do believe I over steeped it a bit as it was a little bitter. So this will go into my re- try pile, but I know I will be keeping it.
Mmmm smells so yummy, appley and cranberry. To me this is fall, and reminds me of my mom. In October my mom goes to a cranberry festival down south.
So, anyways I got this in a swap and made a small 6oz ish cup. This was light on black tea taste, I almost feel like I could drink this at night. It tastes like typical cranberry and apple tea, I know its suppose to be pear, but I get apple. It’s really good and definitely one I will be adding to my fall collection.
EDIT: This was my 100th tasting note. Wow hard to believe.
The dry notes are very sweet smelling, it smells almost like freshly made rice krispie squares. The steeped notes are that of puffed wheat, just like i got with another flavoured genmaicha.
It’s earthy, toasty and sweet. Almost vanilla like. I don’t find it tastes like a rice krispie square, but it sure is delicious.
Here’s a tea that is up my alley. It smells so spicey, all those delicious spices mingling. As it steeps you get some of the apple scent.
Oh yea this is tasty. You can taste all the spices separately, but yet together and at the end of the sip you get the Ginger. it could use some more apple flavour, but even without it it’s pretty delicious.
Oh this would be great mixed with DTs Forever Nuts. Oh god, I wish DT was closer.
As it has cooled to about room temp I have some more apple tartness. Yummers!
Okay. You aren’t allowed to post anymore ha! I wanna buy this too now! What a cool name. I don’t even care what it tastes like.
Haha right?
I also bought Witche’s Brew and Afternooon Skate. And got Autumn Orchard and Pumpkin Spice as samples. I tried adding pictures, but they won’t upload.
Stop posting names! haha Those all sound awesome. I worked a double shift overtime today so maybe with the pay I can steal some for tea. Student loans aren’t thaaaat important lol
Indeed they arent LOL
Btw…I just went to their website and compiled a list of like 40 teas that I need to buy. uh ooooh lol
Haha sorry. That’s what my list is like.