297 Tasting Notes
I plucked this from the traveling tea box. Originally i had passed over it, but went back to it. So glad i did.
The dry notes smell lightly, but so deliciously of cucumber and mint. It’s so fresh smelling. As it steels you still get the cucumber and mint, but also smells sligtly of… Ummmm….. marijuana :\
I accidentally let my water boil oops, then over steeped it… This is why I need a breville.
My first sip was really sweet. But that tamed over the next couple of sips. It delicious and fresh. Cucumber like and minty. Very nice. Definitely lovin this one.
It is slightly bitter and a little dry in the mouth, but I’m sure thats a result of my crappy brewing.
Backlog from Monday—
This tea smells very strongly of spices. I’m not getting any pumpkin from the smell.
Once steeped up I find much of the same in smell & taste. Just a lot of spices & no pumpkin. I did get a pumpkin pie flavour at the end of a sip here & there, but it is not predominent. I find the spices very over powering.
Spice, chocolate & chai? How can a sweets addict, chai loving, spicy food adoring girl not get this tea? Man tea my bum, move on over mama wants her spicy chocolate!
This smells like a typical chai, I always love when you can see all the spices. Mmmm & I can see the peppers. Num Num.
What the? The picture on the package says a touch of cayenne pepper. A touch? It’s more like a touch of chai & chocolate & MAJOR peppers.
Wow this is spicy, I really wasn’t expecting so much kick. It really is a punch in the mouth. I love spicy foods, but this, may just be too spicy for a beverage. I don’t even know if I can taste anything other than the spice.
This would probably be really great mixed with hot chocolate or another chocolate tea.
I have to leave this without a rating for now until I can decide how I feel about it.
I got this in a swap, pretty sure it came from Will work for tea (i need to log this stuff at home so I remember)
I’m always leary about mate blends because I have not enjoyed any so far. The dry leaves do smell chocolatey, which is fabulous! The steeped notes smell just like mate :/ ergh not good
Nope, this is yummy! It’s definetly milkshake chocolatey, not just chocolate. And it is slightly malty. But mostly chocolate milkshake. I don’t really taste the mate, but that is probably what is giving this the slight malt taste.
backlog from yesterday
I received this in a swap from Jes I do believe. This sounded more than just a ginger tea, but I find in scent it’s just ginger. Could have been my congestion.
The suggested steep time is 5 mins? Really for a green? I questioned it, but went with it anyways.
Steeped up it’s gingery, but that’s pretty much it. It’s an alright tea, but probably something I’d use for medicinal purposes.
ETA: used this for medicinal purposes this morning, I’ve got some kind of lingering stomach bug. So was hopeing this would help with the naseau. This is a rather gross tea.
Backlog from yesterday
I received this in a swap from Finn88 , I’m not a fan of coffee at all, but decided to give this one a whirl. I needed the caffeine intake. The leaves only smell lighty of coffee, which is good because I don’t like coffee.
Steeped it is much the same, there is a mild coffee taste to it, nothing too potent, but you can tell it’s there. I was actually able to drink it, unlike another tea that had coffee in it.
This is by no means a tea I would say oh I feel like having this today. However I would drink it knowing I need a caffeine boost.
Jes was kind enough to send me some of her matcha, I ended up receiving this at the same time as the matcha that I ordered (which I feel I haven’t loved yet). Mixed this up this morning as a cold latte. I am exhausted after having caffeine too late in the evening, so here I am trying to cure myself with the same thing that failed me.
I do believe this was the starter grade and has the distinctive flavoring. It definetly smells like caramel. I put slightly more than 2 perfect teaspoons into my cocktail shaker, then added about 8oz of milk and shook. I then added some ice cubes and shook again. This yielded way more foam than with my first matcha experience.
I think I probably would have went with the robust flavouring. But this is definetly caramel. I literally feel like I am eating caramels. It’s sweet without anything added. It is so fabulous. I’m kinda sad I waited so long to try matcha, especially this one. Mmmm mmm mmmm
I pretty much ALWAYS get robust flavoring because I like that “in yo face” flavor. Sometimes I get the “Is there matcha in there?” level, but I can’t tell much of a difference. I do recommend getting the highest flavoring levels for the black, white, or red bases.
I love the “in yo face” flavours as well. When I order this I will definetly be going with the robust flavouring.
It finally got here. My orders from 52teas seems to take forever, probably because I am most excited for them.
I ripped into my package when I got home from work and then not so carefully ripped open each of the three yeas i recived. I smelt this one last.
Soooooo carameley, oh my with the added bonus of pumpkin spices. I should have waited to try this, I am all congested and my taste buds are acting up…. aside from that by the time this steeped it was 6:40, I knew a black tea at that hour was a horrible idea and I am paying for it. Eeeek, and now tomorrow I have to start work early.
Anyways to the tea, or what I could taste of it. I definetly over steeped this, I was multi tasking and the tea suffered as usual. It’s definetly a carameley tea for sure, so good. I didn’t get much of any other flavours other than bitterness from the over steep (probably a result of my congestion). I added one crystal of rock sugar and a touch of milk just to alleviate the bitterness. Ooohh if this is even yummier when steeped properly and when i can taste thongs like normal people I am going to be in tea heaven.
I will give this a numerical rating once I can enjoy it properly, the way it deserves.
Backlog from the weekend
I received this in a swap, I feel it was from Alphakitty but it may be from will work for tea. I have so many teas from swaps and samples that I can’t keep track.
I’m not sure why I chose this, maybe because I love chais and its fall. I was suprised to see all the lemongrass but didn’t really notice the coconut. Hmmm this should be interesting.
This is deli ious, slightly lemony, chai like with the slightest hint of creamy coconut. This is so good. I’ve only tried a few teas from Adagio, most or all I have really like. This chai is almost tropical like.
I received this in a swap from willworkfortea, thanks. It’s been on my shopping list for a while, but has now 3 times failed to be in an order, what was I waiting for?
The dry notes don’t smell much like anything other than a black tea, as it first begins to steep I do get some coconut smell, but after a total steep time it looses all the smell and smells like a black tea. :(
The taste is a nice smooth black tea, followed by a bit of cream & DELICIOUS coconut. This is the coconut tea I have been looking for. It’s also got that toasted coconut taste to it. I have the urge to buy some coconut milk to add to this. Oh yes, that would be so decadent.
I enjoy this tea. It made me seek out other cucumber teas. Also, I mess up the time/temp thing. I am in the “I need a breaville club”
I really love cucumbers, so this sounds really interesting to me! I didn not know they made such a thing as cucumber tea!
Hahaaha I promise no marijuana was included with the tea :)
I ordered a Breville variable temp kettle to replace the variable temp kettle I got from Adagio. When it arrives the Adagio one will go to work with me and that way I can have perfect tea (or close enough) every time :D
I want… No need the Breville one touch.
Lol Azzrian, good to know.
52 teas also has a cucumber flavored tea, adagio does as well. Helena I wish I could bring a kettle to work…darnit no “cooking” appliances allowed.
the one touch looked interesting but I could never drink a pot of the same tea. I like mixing it up throughout the day.
I cannot remember how I managed without my Breville One Touch. It is the most amazing device ever.