I wanted something fall like. We’re getting a little of the backlash from Sandy. It’s cold, windy & rainy.
I wanted fall like but yet something new. I had grabbed Summer Breeze out of the traveling tea box, & it smells very apple like (but more like crab apples, which I had a tree of in my yard when I was growing up). Apples=fall, then I needed spices. So I took my Vanilla Chai from Tea & Bloom. The mix was 1 & 1/2 perfect tsps of each tea. Steeped for about 3 mins.
It’s apple like & a little spicy. I don’t find either flavour is really shinning out, they just kind of meld together & not in a superb way, but just a kind of decent taste.
It does have that slight apple bitter taste that you get from crab apples.