Unfortunately I didn’t immediately fall in love with this flavor like I did with the caramel. I found it to be lacking just a little bit in the taste and texture department. I was really hoping for a little bit more sweetness and a creamy texture similar to pumpkin pie, but it was missing both of those things. Part of this could easily be solved by adding more sugar, but I’m trying to eliminate sugar from my diet and this already has a fair amount in it. Instead I decided to blend my pumpkin pie and caramel MATCHAccino together and the results were fantastic.
I found that a 1:1 ratio of pumpkin pie to caramel is nearly perfect for me. The caramel adds some of the sweetness back in that I was really missing without covering up the spices that make this taste like pumpkin pie. It also adds a wonderful creamy texture to the latte, although it is still missing the pumpkin flavor. Now the only thing that could make this better would be a huge dollop of whipped cream on top.
Come read the rest of the review over on my blog: