16967 Tasting Notes
This is what I made for my Dad while he was visiting, and then I took the resteep for myself. Man, was it ever good! Such a true, and flavourful flavour! I couldn’t believe it was the resteep and not the first cup. There was really no flavour deterioration.
I should have pushed for a third steep, but I was tired and wanted to move onto another flavour so I passed on it. But still incredibly good.
When I made my Dad tea he said he wanted an oolong, so I pulled this one and Maple Pecan oolong and let him choose (he picked lychee oolong). Tre said he would have whichever one wasn’t picked and that was this one. I stole some of it before I gave it to him, though.
It was good; lots of maple, and a little bit of nutty dryness from the pecans. Really tasty overall; and I nice deviation from Midsummer Night’s Dream.
I also resteeped the leaves and while the resteep was a little less stellar it was still rather good. I got a bit more of a “woody” taste, and more pecan flavour. A little less maple…
Finally have a chance to log a few teas; admittedly I haven’t had much to drink today though…
I started the morning with a nice frosty mason jar of this blend, which had been cold brewing for around 24 hours. I really mean frosty, though; most of it was frozen solid. For the first while I drank it it was like having a tea slushie. It was good though; creamsicle/gooseberries and refreshing spearmint. It felt very nice on my throat, which has been sore most of the day.
My Dad has now left, but my brother is here until Tuesday evening. Basically my Dad just got violently ill. He shit his pants; vomited on his car seat, did his laundry, ruined a pair of my pants by wearing them while he was doing his laundry (despite my insisting they wouldn’t fit), did my taxes, had a cup of tea, and went home…
Gotta hate “love” family.
420: Praise it and Blaze it. Something of that shit, anyway…
Now my brother and I are having supper (we walked to the gas station because apparently none of my food interesting him). It’s pretty boring, not gonna lie. I know he appreciates being here rather than at home, though.
And I secretly like having him around. I’m glad my Dad is gone, though…
I feel like I’ve come full circle for the day.
I started the day with a can of this and some microwaved pizza, and now that’s how I’m ending it; can of Nestea and a few slices of Feta & Spinach pizza. Frankly, I’m quite exhausted and once again couldn’t bring myself to cook or ever steep anything. Just whisking my matcha was tiring…
Tomorrow I have family over for Easter, and then my brother is staying with me for a couple days – so not sure how frequently I’ll be on in the next few days. Apologies to anyone I’m in talk with for swaps currently (looking at you 221Tea) – I’ll try to get back to people as often as I can!
I made this in a timolino for work but forgot about it so I’m only just now getting to it at home, and it’s stone cold. Oh well; I’ll have it hot tomorrow or the next day.
I picked this as a sample in my most recent RiverTea order so that I could do a comparison between it and Tea Desire’s Apricot Chai since both are practically identical. Tea Desire’s take it probably one of, if not the best Chai blends I keep stocked. It’s sweet, and and spicy and really different from other chai teas. Up until RiverTea launched I had never seen anything like it sold by another tea company.
Cold, this smells kind of… dusty. That doesn’t come off as too promising, I must say.
However, the taste is not bad at all! The first flavour combo I get a feel for is apricot/cinnamon and it’s sweet like it could be from sliced apricot dusted in cinnamon sugar. From there I get a little ginger (more ginger than I remember tasting in Tea Desire’s version) and that’s a bit disheartening; I don’t like ginger much at all. Finally, this rounds out with a lot of clove flavoured aftertaste. It almost tastes licorice-like too. Much like TD’s version, the green base is pretty well buried.
I’m definitely curious to try this hot to see if the flavours present themselves in a different way. I don’t think I’ll be able to definitely say which of the two blends I like better until I’ve, firstly, had this one hot and, secondly, recently had a cup of TD’s version.
I attempted to whisk this into cold water when I got home from work, and I say “attempted” because no matter how long or vigorously I did it I couldn’t get a lot of the large lumps out. I know I could have strained it before hand but I really don’t like the extra time that takes when whisking normally does a good enough job.
However, it still tasted pretty decent; lots of creamy pumpkin tastes and then more spice than I recall there being last time – but still nice overall. I almost wished I had made up a larger cup of it, but then I would accidentally bite a lump of matcha and the taste would be icky and I’d change my mind.
In other news, I brought one of the two work phones home with me tonight. Oops. Hopefully it’s not still in range and I don’t get people calling me all day tomorrow asking stupid questions like “what time are you open until” and “do you carry ball point pens?”. And I don’t work again until Thursday…
So, there’s that.
Twelve hour cold brew for work. I actually remembered to keep my water bottle in the fridge during my shift so it was perfectly icy fresh all day! Basically as refreshing as could possibly be! I definitely needed it too, my shift was pretty iffy.
We started out the day just completely fucking swamped with last minute Easter shoppers who cleared out all our Easter stock, including the candy and baskets. For the rest of the day we had pissed off shoppers upset that we were sold out of Easter stuff. I pretended to be apologetic to all of them; but really after the third or fourth I just wanted to shout at all of them “if you needed Easter candy this badly you shouldn’t have waited until the last minute!”.
Then the other keyholder who was supposed to be closing with me (it’s a two person job; one for paperwork and one for cash) called in and said she wasn’t showing up. So, I had to get a cashier to stay the extra hour for closing – but I still had to do all the work (paperwork and cash) because she had no closing training/wasn’t a keyholder. She still had to be there though, because since I’m handling thousands of dollars two people must be present for security reasons…
This was pretty decent as a drink though; it was like a combination of Tim Horton’s peach drink and an overripe peach puree, heavy on the “stone” taste of the stone fruit. You all know that taste; it’s hard to explain but very distinct.
Other than that, I didn’t pick up a whole lot of other flavours.
I gotta admit, I was one of those last-minute shoppers yesterday. We were at the local grocery and I really wanted to get a cheesecake. They didn’t have any in the display, but they did have some at the back. After a few minutes I came back and they had one ready for me, but I felt so bad – the ladies who were working the bakery looked like they were crazy-busy, what with all of the cakes and putting special icing on cookies and cupcakes. I bet the shift couldn’t end quickly enough.
The fact I’m drinking this again can only mean one thing…
Yup; I broke and I ordered pizza again. But seriously, it’s good Friday and I just finished a super long shift and the last thing I want to do is cook. Ugh; fuck that shit. Fuck it so hard. This goes with pizza so well though, and the icy coldness of is very refreshing and is making me feel so good and relaxed.
In other news; my Dad/brother are coming up on Sunday for Easter, and then my brother is going to stay over here until Tuesday evening. It feels like such a weird, adult situation; I’m “hosting” my family here at my house, and my brother is coming to visit. It feels really weird and foreign to say or think about, but I’m excited!
Also – our house smells like vomit. That is less exciting.
Tre came home yesterday at like 2 AM piss drink and upset because he went clubbing and A) the people he was with ditched him and B) he couldn’t pick up any girls to bring home. He then proceeded to get sick and vomit on his bed, which he then slept in…
Flavors: Lemon Zest
Wishing that my Good Friday had been like yours (the pizza and Nestea after a long shift…not the vomit part). Sounds like a great evening, up until 2 am.
The weird, adult hosting situation is one I have encountered (and will encounter again on Sunday with my own father). Even after multiple years of it…still not used to it, and I cannot move past treating him like a guest, rather than the standard familiarity one might expect from hosting immediate family.
Cold Brew: 16 hour total? Right around there – maybe a little longer though?
This was nice! It’s a refreshing peach punch type drink with a crisp, vegetal undertone. That said, it didn’t knock my socks off and I don’t feel that compelled to quickly stock up before DT stops stocking this one (it’s being “retired” as a blend; there’s a week or so left to stock up. Something like that, anyway…). Not when I know there are other bamboo teas to keep stocked/try out.
I am a little sad it’s being discontinued though; even though I don’t want a ton, it’s something I would have liked to occasionally refill for cold brewing…
It definitely put me in a peach mood, though! I have another peach tea cold brewing for tomorrow. We’ll see if this flavour craving carries on into tomorrow by the time it’s ready.
This one, Superberry, Big Apple, and Exotica. They announced it on their FB page to give people a chance to stock up.
This is such a basic question so please excuse me. What is up with this cold brewing business? How do you do it? Why do you do it? Steepster is teaching me so much!
I personally add leaf to a mason jar, or other vessel, then pour in water and let it set in my fridge for hours – 8, 10, 12 type thing. Delish. I’ve also just put normally brewed tea in the fridge to cool as well. :)
This sounds delicious! Have you tried lychee black teas? How would this compare in terms of what the underlying tea does to the lychee flavor?
I just noticed my use of the phrase “flavourful flavour”. A+ word choice on my part… But yes, I have had Lychee Blacks before – my favourite currently being RiverTea’s Tea of Kings blend. I find that often they’re paired with a more malty kind of black base which works surprisingly well, and kind of tempers the floral/perfume characteristic lychee has. Usually they’re more subtly flavoured, as well. This one is full on and unabashedly lychee. Both have places in my cupboard :)