Another new tea!
This is one that I’m really excited about. I feel like, for as long as I can remember, there’s always kind of been an unspoken expectation for a new melon flavoured tea blend from DT each year. Usually that blend is a watermelon tea, but this year I’m so stoked we’re showing some love to honeydew!
When I first started development on this tea it was actually for a completely different honeydew concept, but for several reasons we just couldn’t get it to work. A coworker during a tasting for one of those previous versions kind of just threw out something along the lines of “Y’know what would be good? Like a honeydew bubble tea…” so as a last effort I decided to tweak what we had been working on to be more of that iconic sweet, creamy honeydew boba type of flavour and, well, it came out INCREDIBLE.
I think what I love so much about this tea blend is the balance. The honeydew is sweet and ripe tasting but met with such a smooth, creamy flavour from the yogurt inclusion that it really does mirror its bubble tea inspiration. However, it’s not too cloying or sugary at all, and it also doesn’t mask the really aromatic green oolong base either. Those lovely floral top notes still shine though, and there’s even a little bit of a nuttiness the comes out as well – especially when steeped as an iced drink.
It’s rare that DT’s melon blends can be made as a latte, but this is one that actually shines quite well with the addition of milk or milk alternatives. Particularly iced. However, I do still personally prefer this blend without any additions at all – though I drink it pretty evenly split between hot, iced, and cold brewed. It reminds me a little bit of my favourite Lupicia melon blends (which are such a pain to get hold of here in Canada) – just a little more creamy. Y’all know I’m a bit of a simp for a tea with a lot of flexibility, though. So probably no surprise that this is another favourite of the summer.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.