New Matcha!
It’s hard to think of teas coming out right now as “winter teas” because it’s only October and here in Montreal it’s just starting to properly feel like Fall. However, this is meant to be a new winter and holiday sort of matcha flavour. Though, in a way, sugar cookies are a year round kind of thing.
There really aren’t a lot of wintery/holiday kind of flavours that DT hasn’t explored in matcha at this point – we’ve got all the classics like gingerbread, candy cane, and eggnog. The thought process here was more along the ideas of the baking people do during winter or the cookies one might leave out for Santa. I thought that was kind of a cute concept!
It’s definitely a “don’t overthink it” kind of flavour though! If I had to give a simple comparison or description, those pillowy thick sugar cookies at the grocery store are probably the most spot on for this particular matcha. Something like this:
Sweet and a bit creamy with a slight buttery quality. Sorta doughy.
Is this my favourite matcha? No, but it’s far from my least and I think it does taste like how it’s supposed to. Plus, aside from the sweetness, it’s a pretty neutral flavour that works well for matcha lattes or incorporation into baking. Like a very gentle twist on vanilla matcha, but without the coconut nectar taste that accompanies DT’s vanilla matcha – which I know isn’t for everyone.
And on that note, I need to remember to actually try making my own batch of matcha sugar cookies this winter with this appropriately themed matcha!
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.