So, I got Chef Darcy laid using the power of tea!
Chef Darcy is the guy who comes in and teaches cooking classes at work; basically he’s there five days a week and he just picks things he wants to cook and then teaches how to make them totally fresh and from scratch. Everything he cooks with comes from the store, and so in that way he’s kind of advertising the products for us. As an example, he did a Lobster Alfredo and he start with killing your lobster – no prepackaged stuff in his classes! I do the art for the whiteboard out front advertising the class, when I have time during my shift that is – and when whatever he’s doing is something I can put together a picture for.
When Tea Ave. sent me a second sample set I tried to think of who I knew in person who would actually appreciate it, take the time to learn how to use the equipment properly, and then use and enjoy it. I was torn between my friend Robyn and Darcy – but I bombarded Robyn with tea not too long ago, so I gave the second set to Darcy along with a sample of this tea because I’d been talking about it and he’d expressed a lot of interest in it. Well, the set went over well because he and his girlfriend took the time to learn how to use everything and then did tastings of all three teas together! And, she thought it was a really romantic and sweet activity and, well…
When I portioned out a sample of this one for Darcy, I left the bag out for myself too so I could come back from work and enjoy a pot of it – which I did. I’ve only had this one a few times now, but I’m very much enjoying it and of the WP teas I got on Cyber Monday it’s the only one I know with absolute certainty I’d want to order again (it’s also the most affordable of the ones I purchased; which is a super happy coincidence)!
My jot notes from the pot:
- Silky/smooth thicker mouthfeel
- Corn and hay notes
- Corn is like a sweeter Peaches & Cream corn!
- Peaches & Cream Creamed Corn? Is that a thing?
- Creamed honey notes too; especially in the aftertaste
- More herbaceous the longer it steeped
- A little pine? I’m still not sure if that’s really the right word for what I’m tasting…
- But given it’s meant to be pine wood and not needles, it’s probably the right word
And, now that I’ve recently had that Dian Yin Zhen from Nannuoshan I’m recollecting a note that was very present in both cups; though struggling to identify what that note is because, skimming through tasting notes I’ve done for both respective teas, I haven’t really used the same flavour descriptors. Maybe it’s the pine? I didn’t mention tasting pine with the Nannuoshan blend because I only tasted it a few times and so fleetingly, it was a little hard to pick out from the other flavours. But, it’s the only thing that the two really have in common…
So; very comparable pine notes I guess?
Anywho, bumping my rating up.
I love this tea. I’ve never used to to get laid, though. Thanks for the tip!!!
That is so awesome! :D
Ha! Love it