I kind of sorta caved this morning? I said last night in a tasting note that I was feeling guilty for not doing the dishes while Tre was out of town – and I woke up early today so I used the extra time to not only do the dishes, but sweep and take out the garbage and recycling.
Also I feel like I need to defend myself just a little bit; the sole reason I haven’t done the dishes is ‘cause our dish washer is REALLY loud and the kitchen is connected to our living room, which happens to be my bedroom/where I sleep. So what normally happens is Tre runs the dish washer when I’m not home, and then I unload and reload it.
This tea is from Amoda’s February box – but it’s surprisingly not a totally new company, or even tea, to me. About four days before receiving this month’s box VariaTEA pointed out the company to me. I guess a family member knows the owner of the company and so, to get a little more exposure, they gave her a couple bags of the tea. ‘Cause when you know someone who’s tea obsessed that’s what you do – right? This is actually one of the ones she received, too.
And so, it’s cool hearing about a new company opening up shop (even if I don’t agree with their “health benefits of tea” approach and think that they should be offering both smaller sizes and more information on the blends – on their website it’s a little unclear what’s in which blend and the tea types and stuff like that) and then not a week later seeing them featured in Amoda’s monthly subscription box.
I made this tea in a timolino – a freshly denture tablet purged one though! I figured the flavour would be a little lighter and possibly more delicate given the ingredients so I didn’t want any sort of flavour contamination. And I don’t think I was wrong to assume so.
To me, this tasted fairly similar to DAVIDsTEA’s Bravissimo blend. So much so that I actually had to go back and double check the ingredients just to be sure that there wasn’t any licorice root in the blend because the flavour here flirted with that kind of distinct sweetness. I didn’t really taste the lemon in the blend – but the chamomile was quite strong and there were a lot of floral notes as well; most notably the lavender which somewhat impressively read as sweet instead of soapy or perfumey. I’m not big on lavender or chamomile but neither were offensive in this combination and ratio. LIke in Bravissimo, the peppermint wasn’t really the focus for me but just a nice, cooling and refreshing flavour in the background.
Overall, it was a little better than anticipated but still relatively average for me. I’ll enjoy finishing it off though; night time herbals are practically always welcome in my house!
That was really weird how it worked out with this tea. I still have yet to try my sample and should probably do so in the near future.