Sipdown (169/175)!
Oh man, I think this is officially the last of the samples I got from Kittenna way back in December! No clue why I held on to this one for so long either, it was such an easy one to finish off because the sample was really small. Perfect, in fact, for a cold brew – so that’s how I finished it off because “Rainbow Sherbet” is totally a cold brew oriented flavour.
It was…
Not good. Mostly icky cold black tea and funky, nondescript fruit flavour. The two didn’t really mesh well and it was really gross to drink, so I just dumped it and bought myself a sickly sweet Nestea instead. That tasted better, heh…
In other news work was a mess today! Our air conditioning was broken so the store was sweltering hot all day to the point where the chocolate bars were beginning to get very soft, borderline squishy. Like a genius I wore several layers of clothing and my heaviest pair of cargos (because they’re the most durable for doing labour work). It was very uncomfortable to work in and I was disgusting and sweaty all day with my hair clinging to my face and nasty stuff like that. Of course today Geordan decided today was a good day to come visit me at work with me being all gross and stinky and stuff…
And then on top of that, in the afternoon during the busiest part of the day our power went down; but not the mall’s power, no of course it wasn’t that simple. Instead it was just the power for our store. Apparently there was construction going on the roof above us and no one bothered to let us know – which is an issue in and of itself. But, the construction combined with all our electrical stuff and trying to get the air conditioning running blew several fuses and it took about two and a half hours to get everything running again. We had to evacuate the store and shut down for a while.
I rewarded myself tonight with a shower and some pear and brown sugar, though!