Had to search for this one in my cupboard; I couldn’t get it to come up in the search bar. Oddly enough, I couldn’t get ANY Root Beer teas to come up in the search bar – and yes, I double and triple checked to make sure I was spelling things correctly.
Thanks a million to aisling of tea for sending me (unprompted; just as an extra “add in”) about 50g of this blend! I adore root beer teas; and I’ve been holding this one, just based on the one cup I’ve had of it prior, very highly in my head. In fact, I consider it the best root beer tea (with a black base) that I’ve ever had – and second best overall, with Butiki’s blend ringing in at the top spot.
I’m happy that now that I’ve brewed up a cup of it (alongside a big bowl of buttery popcorn and some good TV), it’s living up to how I’ve held it in my head! I’m especially thankful because the many, many cinnamon chips in the dry leaf (way more than there were in the one cup sample I received from Kittenna) were frightening me a little bit. Cinnamon has no place in rootbeer! Thankfully, I can’t taste them individually so they must just be doing something to contribute to the overall flavour.
This is super creamy and rich, both in taste and mouthfeel – and it really captures not only a very “pure” rootbeer flavour, but the essence of a “float” with that very decadent scoop of vanilla icecream on top. In this case, I believe they’re using white chocolate to do the trick – but hey, whatever works right? And this definitely works. I drank the first half plain, and then added some milk to the second half – and that just made this even thicker and better. Mmm!
My only “gripe” overall is that it has that same gross looking oily/waxy scum on top that you get in every cup of DT’s White Chocolate Frost. And there very clearly is a common denominator: the white chocolate. But it doesn’t translate into the mouthfeel in an unappetizing way so it doesn’t bother me on any level other than the aesthetics of it.
I’m boosting my rating, because apparently I rated this much lower than I remember doing so – probably because of the oily/scummy appearance. The taste is divine though, so my rating should reflect the taste way more than the appearance.
Oh, the many wonders of the Steepster search function, haha.