I’m back!!!
Tre left Tuesday morning for Regina and took his laptop with him, but today my Dad and brother came up for an early birthday celebration and brought up my newly fixed laptop! I have to start from scratch; none of my old files or anything, but I have a computer again! Woot! So much to catch up on, tea related or not.
So quick summary? In my short absence from the computer I’ve:
- Gone to a metal show (which was super weird)
- Watched the first and seconds season of Pretty Little Liars; and am living vicariously through the characters (Hanna/Caleb and Spencer/Toby OTPs!)
- Finished Breaking Bad
- Acquired some new tea (birthday presents from Cuppa’T from my mom and a swap package from Scribbles)
And… Best for last!
I start on Monday, and I’ll be a sup. at Dollorama – working a short 10 minute walk from my house! How great is that!?
Of course, for the time being until then I plan to catch up on all my backlog, because there’s lots of it (and of course I made notes on nearly everything I drank). Plus, I need to get my Big Brother Canada game on! I’ve already watched the first two episodes I missed, and now I’m watching the after show! I’ll probably have the live feeds going in the background the whole time I’m writing backlogged tasting notes. Any other BB fans?
If anyone else is watching the Canadian season right now I’d love to have people to gab with!
My season picks (at the moment) are: Kenny, Jon, and Arlie. I can’t say I’m feeling the girls so much right now. I think maybe Heather will surprise me though. So glad Anick is gone – I thought she totally made a bad impression. And, I’m not a fan of Paul right now. Ick.
As for this tea: It was just a nice treat in my timolino that I enjoyed while I was helping my friend Kristina move into her new apartment. Her new roommate seems nice and the place is cool.
She was amazed at the concept of this one; I might have to hold “regular” tea drinking “classes” and get her some loose leaf education now that she’s living a five minute walk from me.
Thanks for all the congrats guys :) @Fjellrev It was a showcase for local artists. Three bands played – and my friend knew the drummer/keyboardist from two of them. Not sure what the bands are called, though.
CONGRATS ON THE JOB!!!!!!!! Plus I am glad you are back. My life has been lacking without your notes. I mean, how are Courtney and I to live without our tea triplet :P
YAY!!!!! kermit arms Congratulations, and also early happy birthday. :)
Congrats!! I love Dollarama.
Congrats on job!!!! You so lucky is 10 min. away. So happy for ya! :)
Congratulations! And which show did you go to?
awesome!!! congrats on the job! YAY for an income!
Thanks for all the congrats guys :) @Fjellrev It was a showcase for local artists. Three bands played – and my friend knew the drummer/keyboardist from two of them. Not sure what the bands are called, though.
Congrats on the shiny new job!
Congrats !
CONGRATS ON THE JOB!!!!!!!! Plus I am glad you are back. My life has been lacking without your notes. I mean, how are Courtney and I to live without our tea triplet :P
Congratulations on the job! So nice that it is within walking distance from your home.