6444 Tasting Notes
The popcorn flavor has taken over. I don’t get where it’s coming from and I’m not a fan. Especially since it’s like popcorn with cotton candy marshmallows melted on them. Or like the multi-coloured mini marshmallows they sell at the stores which I swear taste different (and not as good) as the regular white marshmallows. Those…on popcorn. This was not an experience I had with this tea prior to opening my new can of it. Dropping the rating from 76.
Latte (mixed with Dessert by Deb’s Coconut Cream Pie Chai) Sipdown (282)
I wanted a latte and for some reason this is the tea I thought of. I started preparing everything only to realized I only had about 1/2 the amount of leaf I would need for a latte. I spoke to Roswell Strange and she suggested something with a lot of coconut would be a good pairing. That made me think of Coconut Cream Pie Chai which makes a great latte and I just got a new bag so I didn’t mind finishing off the old bag. What we didn’t take into consideration is the different spice mixes in both teas…turns out they don’t mix well.
It’s like weird fudgey cardamom and coconut. That actually sounds ok but there is more to it that is just making it all sorts of off. So, an odd way to say bye to this one and finish off the one pack of Coconut Cream Pie Chai but that’s two sipdowns so yay for that.
Latte Sipdown (gone before it was even added so no number change)
My new Dessert by Deb order arrived with all the tasty sounding fall teas. This is one of the ones I’m splitting with Sil and it smelled so good while I was dividing it that I decided to use my half to make a latte.
This was a little underleafed compared to usual and at first it came off a bit thin. However, the more I drink the better it gets. It’s good but I don’t know if it’s s’mores. I think this is more fireside coconut than anything. Smokey, creamy, coconut, and a touch of sweet maple/chocolate.
Since it’s not quite s’mores, I don’t think I need more. Based on the name and smell, I was actually worried I’d be immediately placing another order for copious amounts of this so I’m glad it didn’t completely deliver.
How are you feeling about this company overall? I’ve been eyeing the teas, but reviews seem to be lukewarm.
I’ve been enjoying the teas. We all know I like dessert blends so they speak to me. Some have been good or have made awesome lattes. Others have been meh/or flat. She uses a lot of coconut and maple so if those are not flavors you like, best to steer clear. I don’t know if that’s particularly helpful. I can always share some samples if you like so you can try before you buy!
Thank you for the offer! I might take you up on that! Do you want to do a swap? I have a ton of French teas at the moment. My cupboard is horribly out of date.