Spiced Pumpkin Pie

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Carrot, Ceylon Black Tea, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Natural Flavours, Sprinkles, Vanilla Pieces
Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Clove, Malt, Nutmeg, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Wood, Squash, Creamy, Ginger, Tannic, Artificial, Pumpkin, Carrot, Vegetal, Cloves, Bitter, Spicy, Butter, Cream, Brown Sugar, Sweet Potatoes
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 380 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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65 Tasting Notes View all

  • “And that’s the end of this one! (91) It’s funny that I did my pumpkin pie tea-off, and then finished off the pumpkin teas that were my least favourite, while completely ignoring the Della Terra one...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m super excited at the moment, because my Bluebird Tea Co. order arrived yesterday, and this tea is now officially back in my cupboard. It’s been too long! I also picked up samples of their other...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been drinking this tea for a week or so but haven’t yet logged a review. It smells strongly of clove and cinnamon spice. It’s like having a warm hug from Autumn as I sniff it. Flavour wise...” Read full tasting note
  • “Additional notes: I was trying this one again (only one teaspoon of my sample left!), to see if I liked it as much as I remembered. It is better than I remembered! I don’t know if it’s the time...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Perhaps our most loved blend ever, Autumn pumpkin pie, spiced to perfection & absolute bliss as a frothy chai latte! Last year we heard rumours of our #indiePSL being the best spiced pumpkin chai in the UK… this year we are going for world pumpkin chai domination!

Made with real tea & spices, we couldn’t be more excited that our special edition autumn fave is back for another year! As always, it won’t be around for long, Teabirds & once it is gone, it’s gone… so bulk up to see you through!

Sri Lankan black tea, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, carrot, sprinkles (sugar, potato starch, maltodextrin, vegetable fat (olive), colours (E163 anthocyanins, E100 curcumin, E153 vegetable carbon)), vanilla pieces, natural flavouring.

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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65 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

And that’s the end of this one! (91)

It’s funny that I did my pumpkin pie tea-off, and then finished off the pumpkin teas that were my least favourite, while completely ignoring the Della Terra one that I really did enjoy. :P

I guess now that this and DAVIDsTEA’s pumpkin chai are out of the way, I can focus on the better one?

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2238 tasting notes

I’m super excited at the moment, because my Bluebird Tea Co. order arrived yesterday, and this tea is now officially back in my cupboard. It’s been too long! I also picked up samples of their other autumn blends (Kung Flu Fighter!, Nuts About You, and Pudina Chai). Of these, Pudina Chai is probably the one that has me most intrigued, because I’ve never tried a mint-based chai before. There’s always a first time. The other exciting thing about my Bluebird order was that they also put in a sample of this year’s Christmas Cake blend. That got me running back to their website to see if the rest of the Christmas stuff is available yet – seriously, they have the cutest hampers this year! They’re not in stock yet, which is probably a very good thing for my bank account, but I’m eyeing one up as a present to myself.

Yay tea!


Sounds über tasty!


Sipping this one now – sad that not many people on Steepster have tried this one. :/


It’s so good, and yet so little known. Such a shame!

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1379 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this tea for a week or so but haven’t yet logged a review.

It smells strongly of clove and cinnamon spice. It’s like having a warm hug from Autumn as I sniff it.

Flavour wise it’s of medium strength which features a malty yet smoky black taste, refreshing but not too strong clove, a pinch of spicy cinnamon and a sweet squash/pumpkin flavour. It’s a subtle pumpkin tea with the focus being on the spice itself but with that said I still very much like this blend.

A drop of soy milk in my second cup adds a nice creamy flavour and texture. It also smooths out the clove and it tastes more cardamom like now.

I think this is a very nice Autumn tea and I’m glad I bought a pack to try. :)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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4336 tasting notes

Additional notes: I was trying this one again (only one teaspoon of my sample left!), to see if I liked it as much as I remembered. It is better than I remembered! I don’t know if it’s the time of year or what, but it just WORKS. The spices are very nice, hints of squash/pumpkin even from the one piece in my infuser. The black tea is lighter but it lets the flavor shine. The cup was even an amber pumpkin orange. I’ll definitely be ordering this one. ONE teaspoon.. not even heaping. So so good.
Just boiled // 3 min // 6 min

If anyone is interested, there will definitely be a bluebirdteaco.com group order happening! A chance to try these amazing teas (haven’t tried a terrible one yet!) and split the $15-20 shipping costs. More info here: http://steepster.com/discuss/9558-bluebird-tea-co-group-order-accepting-orders


A group order is a genius idea, especially for overseas stuff!

Cameron B.

I was considering this one, but then I noticed that it doesn’t even have pumpkin in OR flavoring. So how is it pumpkin…? The pieces mixed in are carrots.


Yeah, before I tried it I was wondering why it didn’t have pumpkin, but there is something about the carrot that makes it taste squashy and the spices are delicious anyway. I wish they WOULD put pumpkin in the blend though (like dehydrated pumpkin pie filling!)

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1398 tasting notes

KittyLovesTea sent such a generous amount of this tea, I’ve been able to enjoy it again and again. I wish more pumpkin teas were available year-round. This one is so tasty.

Now I will enjoy this tea with my grilled cheese sandwich with apple!


I did not have the grilled cheese experience but it sounds delish.


Never had it as a kid but totally love it as an adult :)


I’ve never heard of it, but sounds like a good combo. We like to dip apples in our cheese fondue.. Sweet & salty= Yum!

Another company I’ve considered an order with. Like their apple strudel & this sounds good too.


It’s delicious! I occasionally check out their website, but I can never quite reach the free shipping threshold, so I’m holding off for now.


I was considering doing their monthly box for a bit. You can request teas you would like to try and they take that into consideration when they ship to you.

I love when companies have great sales or free shipping for a time.. I’m a sucker for a good buy !


I didn’t even know they had a monthly box hah! There are very few teas I want to order from them, ahem 2, haha! Free shipping sales suck me in too hah.


I just stumbled on it when I was looking at their site. It’s called their “tasting club”. You get 3 samples (8-10 cups each) every month. I haven’t decided if I’d rather do that or just order a couple I think we would like.


Neat! I have yet to sign up for any monthly clubs, but I’ll have to check out their website.


Ooh the prices include postage! That in it itself makes it more tempting.

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1267 tasting notes

I have been enjoying working through my pouch of this. The steeped tea has a lovely aroma of sweet spices and vanilla. The medium-bodied black tea has notes of malt, wood, and autumn leaves, which go with the pumpkin spices nicely. The spices come forward in a nice medley… a sweet and somewhat woody cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg in particular. The whole cup has a sweet vanilla undertone.

It’s very good and I’ve been enjoying my bag, but I like Tea Chai Te’s Pumpkin Spice tea a bit better, which is very similar in body and flavor profile but a whole lot easier for me to get being in the States, so I’d likely restock that one instead.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Clove, Malt, Nutmeg, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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681 tasting notes

Drank for Mastress Alita’s ‘favourite pie flavour’ prompt (yes I am months behind), but again I’m cheating because I’m from the UK and have never had a (US style) pumpkin pie. Not only that, but the only sweet pie I have had is apple, and I’m not a massive fan of that, or pie in general actually as I’m not a big lover of pastry. That being said I love the idea of pumpkin pie, and have been desperate to try it for a long time now!

This isn’t my favourite pumpkin spice tea – that honour belongs to DAVIDsTEA’s Pumpkin Chai – but it does have a special place in my heart since it tastes like actual pumpkin/squash/it’scarrotreally, and not just a generic blend of spices with ‘pumpkin’ slapped on the label for no reason like a lot of other teas do. I made a pot of this and drank it a few different ways, all of which were enjoyable. My favourite way to drink it was black with a little brown sugar added, which brought out the pumpkininess even more. The spices grew stronger with each cup, and started to overpower the pumpkin note, so I think in the future I will stick to brewing it one cup at a time. The cinnamon and clove are most prominent of the spices, with a little ginger kick towards the end of the sip. Drinking with milk added mutes the pumpkin quite a bit, but it’s still enjoyable with milk and sugar. Milk and no sugar is my least favourite way to drink this though, it becomes just a generic chai and loses its special quality that way. Plain this is a tasty, pumpkin-heavy chai. Rating based on drinking it black with an added pinch of brown sugar, which turns it into Autumnal heaven.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 26 OZ / 768 ML

Are you able to easily find canned pumpkin in the UK? Pumpkin pie is one of the few traditional Thanksgiving dishes I can pull off without ruining :)


It’s not common in the UK, but I think you can buy it online, though it’s quite expensive! I’ve never considered making my own! I should give it a go ^^


With most brands here, a basic pie recipe is on the label of the can and that’s what I use: pumpkin, evaporated milk, egg, sugar, and cinnamon/cloves/nutmeg. Dump into a crust and bake!

Lexie Aleah

Sweet potato pie could be another option.


@gmathis – thank you! I will definitely give that a try. It sounds delicious!

@Lexie – actually I have had sweet potato pie before, but a savoury one! I have a tea with sweet potato in it too, I never thought of using that for the prompt.

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294 tasting notes

This tea has blown my mind in the best way.

My first Bird & Blend order for a couple advent calendars (because I have a problem) contained a bag of this as a sample. I’m frequently disappointed by pumpkin spice everything. I love a good pumpkin pie, but it just rarely works in the other things I’ve tried.

Here, it works. I get the scent of pumpkin pie immediately, and it tastes mostly of a general, mildly bitter black tea at first hit. But as it settles I get all the squash and spice flavor of one of my very favorite desserts. It’s everything I want the pumpkin spice craze to be!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Squash

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

YEAH another B&B SPP convert! :D

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4330 tasting notes

So I just ordered the DAVIDsTEA advent calendar, and used one of my rewards to get a package of Pumpkin Earl Grey after hearing good things about it on Tea with Jann. I don’t generally consider myself a fan of DAVIDsTEA because of all of the “food” type teas and teas with chocolate chunks and stevia. But it’s been several years since I tried their advent calendar, and I figured it’s time to give it another chance. Also, the cute tree box helped to push me over the edge… :P

Anyway! I was feeling a pumpkin spice sort of tea after ordering the Pumpkin Earl Grey, so I pulled this one out to steep up. Can you tell I’m ready for fall? XD

Honestly I’m finding this a bit mediocre though. And I fully admit, I’m not a big pumpkin spice person, so I’m sure that has something to do with it. But I’m mostly just getting quite a bit of clove, some cinnamon and ginger, and a generic black base. Not really picking up on the vanilla or any pumpkin notes. Maybe a teeny hint of creaminess from the vanilla if I really search for it?

Anyway, it’s fine but it doesn’t warrant its 80+ rating for me. But clearly I’m in the minority! It is also probably nearing a year old, so maybe that has something to do with it. (shrug)

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Creamy, Ginger, Spices, Tannic

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Have you ordered (or contemplated ordering) any other advents!

Cameron B.

Ha ha, not yet! I’m thinking about Fortnum & Mason and/or Theodor just because I’ve never tried any of their teas… I think I’ll probably limit myself to at most three calendars this year, last year was too many! XD


Oooh! I can’t wait to see your thoughts on them. :)

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1967 tasting notes

Sipdown 173-2021

Finished this off for Halloween. The perfect roasted pumpkin flavor. Looking forward to enjoying more next year.

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