Geek + Tea Advent Teas – Day 4
I have been opening these teas and the 52 Teas teas on the same days that Roswell Strange has been. However, she gave everyone warning that she would be posting about them early. I did not so I felt bad potentially spoiling this and the 52 Teas advent for anyone. So, I have been writing notes in a word doc and sharing them on the appropriate day.
However, Roswell Strange knew I was opening these up so we would talk about them together. She mentioned really liking this one before I started drinking it. That boosted my expectations. I also was excited about a rhubarb ginger tea since both are strong flavors but we don’t see the pairing often. I was expecting flavor, whether I liked it or not. What I didn’t expect was for this to be pretty bland. I guess the issue is that I have not found any recommended steeping parameters, so I went to my default of 3 mins in 200F water. Its just doing nothing for this tea though. Hopefully the last serving I have of this will be better.
As it is now, the base black is nice in giving this depth but isn’t adding much flavor. And then I get a fruitiness. It actually is almost like a red fruits black tea that you would find from a French company. I am pretty sure that’s not what they were going for though and since Roswell Strange liked it, my guess is its user error at play here.