I had high hopes for this, mostly due to tea sipper’s love of it. Alas, I also didn’t get to this for over about a year (this is from July 2019 and I just broke the seal this morning) and given the coconut, it’s already showing signs of age. When I steeped it up hot, the coconut smelled rather lotion-y, which to me indicates it is starting to go rancid. Thankfully that doesn’t translate to the taste though. Taste is mostly hibiscus for me with a touch of rooibos. It’s fine but not really my thing. Tea Sipper, if you want 50 more grams of this (less some tsps), let me know. Fair warning on the age though since it’s almost a year old.
At this point, I wish I had a tamer cupboard like you do, Sil. haha.
But I wish you had tried this sooner, VariaTEA! Especially if it was because of my love of it. It really does have more of a jelly/ice cream flavor if you drink it VERY soon after it is blended. And as you’ve found, the coconut/hibiscus really starts to take over. THANK YOU for your offer of more of this, but I do have enough stock of my own that should last me a while. Hopefully you can find someone else to pass it along to that might like it more?
B&B’s coconut goes bad quicker than most, I’ve noticed.
…have less tea! drink tea faster! then you don’t have to worry about it ;)
Lol why do you think I keep giving you tea? That’s part of my have less tea efforts lol
At this point, I wish I had a tamer cupboard like you do, Sil. haha.
But I wish you had tried this sooner, VariaTEA! Especially if it was because of my love of it. It really does have more of a jelly/ice cream flavor if you drink it VERY soon after it is blended. And as you’ve found, the coconut/hibiscus really starts to take over. THANK YOU for your offer of more of this, but I do have enough stock of my own that should last me a while. Hopefully you can find someone else to pass it along to that might like it more?
I decided to cold brew some so we shall see how that goes but otherwise I will toss it into my swap box.