Sipdown (247)
Earlier today Sil and I were talking about Lupicia teas and there was mention of the barley teas. I said I had Watermelon and Plum (thank you Cameron B!) and Sil mentioned that she thinks she liked them cold brewed.
I went out earlier to go downtown to meet my friends for dinner at Wvrst (sausage and beer! Yum!) but before I left the house, I took both watermelon barley teabags Cameron B shared and shoved them into a 500 ml water bottle.
I have now returned from dinner and am sipping on the cold brew which has been steeping for probably 7ish hours. However, it seems I should have talked to Sil or Roswell Strange or Kittenna before hand because all recalled this blend being quite strong and all said 2 teabags for the amount of water I used was too much. This was after I informed them that I did not like it at all. The brew was soo roasted that it basically tasted burnt. And that burnt barley drowned out any possible watermelon there may have been.
This was a bad, bad plan on my part. Thank you for the chance to try it. If nothing else, it confirmed that this is not something I need to purchase in light of the Lupicia closure
Ah, when I use these for iced tea, I use two bags… for a mason jar that makes one quart, hahaha. So ya, that would be twice the amount of water!
Oh no! Ha ha… To each her own. ;)
This was a bad, bad plan on my part. Thank you for the chance to try it. If nothing else, it confirmed that this is not something I need to purchase in light of the Lupicia closure
Ah, when I use these for iced tea, I use two bags… for a mason jar that makes one quart, hahaha. So ya, that would be twice the amount of water!
You live and learn I suppose lol