790 Tasting Notes
When brewed, this has a spicy, earthy smell. Smooth with a mildly smoky under-taste. Mildly vegetal green tea taste around the edges. I am not a huge fan of oolong, having grabbed this sample mostly for my mother, but I love watching oolong leaves unfurl! Not something I’d buy again, but only because oolong is not my go-to tea. I’d not hesitate to recommend the tea or the merchant to anyone looking for a good oolong with a smooth, quick and pleasant transaction.
Very nice. Smooth and, yes, as advertised, a slightly sweet aftertaste. No astringency at all. When dry, this tea seems to have a lot of sticks and very, very long leaves. After steeping, the tea reminds me a lot of rosemary (in appearance only, not taste or smell). Two or three leaves unfurled at the ends of small pieces of stick.
I like this tea. It has a nice body, good mouth feel and overall taste. This would make a good every day tea.
This was a very cloudy looking brew, more like coffee than tea. This has a very “thick” feel. Sweet and tasty. Can definitely taste the almond. This begs to be had after a Chinese meal. Reminds me so very much of the almond cookies – only better! Second steep was not as flavorful, though I may have, as is my tendency, brewed pretty strong on the first steep.
Smells wonderful and is very pretty. I like Nilgiri so this base appeals to me. It is a strong Earl Grey. I’m not sure the flowers smooth it out at all like the container claims. If you don’t like Earl Grey, this will definitely not appeal to you – this is a slap you in the face Earl. Compared to others I probably won’t buy this one again. I think my tastes have become a bit more subtle when it comes to the Earl. I love it and it is one of my favorite teas, but I have come to like a bit more depth and a little less bergamot.
Nice aroma when dry. Lovely, lovely leaves when steeped – a nice mixture of browns and greens with medium sized leaves when they unfurl. I can definitely taste that signature muscatel flavor. A tad dry in the throat but the flavor lingers in the mouth long after swallowing. Great hot or cold. All my experimenting is showing me that I like all Darjeelings but 2nd flushes/Summers are indeed my favorite.
Only downside is that this does not do well in a second steeping – not much flavor.
Smells very nice. Can almost discern a crust smell as well as the pie smell. Good strong coconut flavor. It may in fact be a bit too strong. I can’t tell much about the tea base. This is very tasty though I prefer it hot. When iced it reminds me too much of how suntan lotion smells and it got somewhat bitter. Will try again with a shorter steeping time and see if the bitter goes away when iced.
I’m revising my rating for this one. The guava is omnipresent. I don’t taste any of the other flavors but maybe I’m just not sophisticated enough in palate to detect them. It still smells like pineapple to me before brewing. It has a sweetness without adding anything. I like this better when cold. It still won’t be anything I order again, but better than my previous taste.