Alas, just when I think I’m grown up enough to handle straight teas, something comes along that’s like “you are a n00b.”
I’m not going to leave a numerical rating for this one. I don’t have the palate to accurately judge it yet.
It’s like when you’re a kid and you take a sip of beer and you’re like “THIS IS HEINOUS I WILL ALWAYS HATE THIS.” But when you’re older, you try a few and figure out that maybe you like stouts, or IPAs, or wheats, or Oktoberfest ales. Or maybe you will hate beer forever (my husband does).
If I still have this around in a year or two, I will have to give it another go.
Puerh is usually the final frontier for many. It was for me. First time I tried a ripe puerh I was like, Nope.