Oh my god, this tastes like somebody took wet roses and let mold growth occur on them in a basement in an old person’s house. It smells like cherries, but it tastes like sickly sweet decay.
I keep sipping it, thinking I have to be wrong.
(sip) I can’t possibly dislike it this much.
(sip) Oh no, someone mixed vanilla into poison.
(sip) Am I dying?
Excuse me. I need to throw this horror show out so I stop sipping it.
Oh no! Well, good to know, right?
100% ! I love samples like this because they help me learn so much about what not to buy. It’s better to find it out from a free sample (or whatever the spoonful I traded it for was worth), than to spend $10 on a few ounces of something I don’t like. I appreciate your samples! They’re an adventure!