726 Tasting Notes
Chamomile alone is okay. I’ve had other chamomile blends where the chamomile was overpowering the other flavours. This blend, however, oh the chamomile was there, but I was able to taste the other flavours as well! The rose kinda got lost a bit after the second steeping, but overall a very wonderful flowery blend :)
Oh my gosh. I don’t know if I like this one or Snowbud more, but ahhhh I love this tea!
I love how it’s not like super grassy like the other white teas that I’ve had. This is like the perfect flavour. It’s like the big sister of Snowbud :)
I’ve had the Earl Grey Supreme before and I found some Harney at the bookstore the city over and I was just SO HAPPY BECAUSE HARNEEEYYYY.
They just had a small selection and the only tea that tickled my fancy. I LIKE IT. I REALLY DO.
Between the two Earl Greys that I’ve had from this company, I think I like the Supreme just a smidge more, but hey. The Earl Grey Imperial was still pretty good :)
I like my Earl Grey just plain. No milk or sugar. The bergamot alone is strong enough :)
I took a break from logging teas into Steepster because I was tired of logging the same teas over and over again.
Buuuut I just went on a tea spree aaand NEW TEAS IN MY CUPBOARD. SO EXCITED.
Okay. I’ve never actually had chai on its own. I’ve had chai blends, but never just plain chai (teabags don’t count) but ahhh CHAI. It’s good! It’s going to take a while for me to figure out how I like it, but oh, it feels good to have new teas in my pantry :)
I’m hoooome and I’m drinking my mother’s tea hehehe :)
Do I really have to like.. review this? Just know that it’s good and it really does taste like Honey Dew and I think this would taste pretty good iced as well!
I’m reading the reviews of this tea on here and ahhh why are they so like.. not bad, but not the absolute best.
My opinion? IT’S THE BEST WHITE TEA I’VE EVER HAD. Well, I’ve only had the ones from the white tea sampler sooo yeah. But out of those four, this is my absolute FAVE. It’s not as grassy as the others and I’m definitely making my way through this particular tea ever so slowly so it can last :)
**side note: I’m kinda mad that the teacup with the filter that I have is like all weird right now. I had a couple cups of chai in it and the chai stuck to the filter. Figured that I shouldn’t drink out of that with the delicate flavours of this tea. So I just put the leaves into my mug, let it steep for a while, and fished the leaves out with a fork. I’M IN COLLEGE. DON’T JUDGE.