294 Tasting Notes
I can be picky with black teas, I’m always afraid of them being bitter. (Though in hindsight, that’s probably due more to the fact that I never used to watch the brew times and would wayy oversteep everything). But, this morning I was feeling fruity, and after receiving this sample from just organic I found myself steeping this for my first cup of the day.
This tea smelled so yummy, kind of spicy, kind of citrusy. Sipping, I taste mostly cinnamon and spice. This isn’t a bad thing since I love chai so much, but it didn’t satisfy my fruity craving. I wish there was more orange to this spice, but over all I enjoyed it.
This is my first time trying genmaicha, and I’m really digging it. And I think chai was the perfect way to introduce me to it, since I love chai tea! To me, is smelled like rice crispies and ginger, which really excited me because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to smell/taste the rice. And there were little popped rice that looked like popcorn! I was way too amused by this tea type of tea.
This tastes so good! It seems like my last few chai tea purchases have been heavy on the cinnamon, and lacking much else. The effect leaves me feeling like I’m drinking hot fireball (which I hate, and for some ungodly reason my boyfriend loves). Thankfully this was not like that. There was still cinnamon, but it took the back seat. The first taste I pick up is the rice, which tastes toasty followed by ginger and clove and something else that I can’t quite put my finger on, which I’m guessing is cardamom since I’m not too familiar with it and probably just can’t identify it. Then comes the cinnamon and the whole tea leaves you feeling warm and comfy. I can see myself reaching for this again and again during the winter (what little winter we actually get here in florida that is. So like 3 days).
So I had two more cups of this last night. The first cup I steeped for 30 minutes, and didn’t notice much of a change from steeping about 10 minutes, which is a good thing, because now I won’t feel like I should steep it that long, which means less time before I can drink it.
The second cup, I warmed up some milk and used that instead of water. I let it steep while I painted my nails, so probably about 20 minutes. I added some truvia and took a sip. And wow, is it good. Instead of tasting like watered down hot chocolate, it tasted like slightly weaker hot chocolate. Milky and creamy and chocolately and sweet, only thing it was missing was that almost thicker mouth feel and decadence. But, at the same time I could drink cups of this without feeling like I’m going to be sick, unlike regular hot chocolate. Very very yummy! Next time I might try simmering the milk and tea together on the stover to kind of thicken it up a bit and see how that tastes!
I received this from Just Organic Tea for review. Like most organic sugars I’ve tried, and like another reviewer said, this has a hint of molasses. I actually enjoy that because it makes it a more interesting additive to other things, like adding a very light brown sugar to things. And unlike some other organic sugars I’ve tried, this is easier to dissolve, though still not as easily dissolved as regular sugar. In all, I really enjoy this sugar.
Wow. This is my first venture into cacao tea. but I’m a big chocolate lover! I kind of skimmed over the fact that this was supposed to be vanilla cacao, which is fine because theres no real vanilla taste to it. Although I think a more prominent vanilla taste would improve the taste even more, I really enjoy this. I didn’t expect the cacao to come across so well. Expecting it to be weak, I used 2.5 tsp for 8 oz of boiling water and let it sit for 7 minutes.
Add a little sweetener and a dash of milk and it really does taste like a watered down hot chocolate. Perfect for if you crave hot chocolate but are watching your calories. I’m going to try steep for long next time and see if it further intensifies the chocolate. I might even try steeping in heated milk instead of water.
So I spent all day yesterday struggling through a 24-hour stomach bug, unable to keep anything down. And although I felt better when I woke up this morning, I needed a simple tea to drink, just incase I still had the bug. As it turns out, this is the only unflavoured tea in the house, so I went for it.
Not bad, safe simple taste that satisfied my need for tea without turning my stomach.
Might need like 6 more glasses to get me through the next 7 hours of studying for my finals. Although, I think in a little bit I’ll try to drink savor tea. Broth is good for an upset stomach, right?
After how disappointed I was with the spinach and chive, I was hesitant about this one. But I LOVE cilantro and broccoli , so I still held out a little hope. I decided that I need to make this super strong to try and avoid the weak issues I had with the spinach and chive. So I steeped it for almost 30 minutes and add a dash of salt.
All I can so is YUM! I had ordered a box before I even finished the cup. It really is like a light broth mixed with tea. So so good. I wish I had more right now because I can’t get enough.
I can just imagine using it in recipes! Though I’ve heard of using tea in recipes, I’ve never tried it. But I’m just imagining the culinary applications.
I requested a sample of this and broccoli and cilantro from Numi. I never had anything like these savory teas before, and I was really hopeful. The idea of a broth tea hybrid sounds very promising to me.
I steeped it for 10 minutes like it says, and then took a sip. You know those flavored waters? The ones without added sugar that have the slightest hint of fruit? That’s how this tastes, in a warm veggie version. I through out the tea bag before taking a sip, so I couldn’t try steeping longer. I don’t know if the water wasn’t hot enough, if it needs to steep longer, or if it’s just the product itself, but I couldn’t drink it.
This tea has a nice cinnamon, spiciness to it. I didn’t taste any peach. I was pleasantly surprised, I didnt think I would like this too much, I figured it would taste really medicinal. I’m really glad it doesn’t, because I plan on drinking a cup a day for the next 2 weeks. I might try it with a dash of milk tomorrow.