294 Tasting Notes
I made this last night, steeping it 3 times, and adding all three steeping into a big mug with a little truvia to chill over night in the fridge. Was a very delightful fruity iced tea, nice sweet berry notes, though less intense than those in Grand Amour. Hard pressed, I’d chose Grand Amour, just because I’m in love with the sweet fruityness of that tea. All in all though, this is a delicious tea, and I’m happy than there was enough still in bag left to try it (the sample I had received had opened during shipment and most spilled out). Thanks Laurent!
Uhm, ok yes! This is everything I dreamt it would be! I love the matcha at Starbucks and I love caramel, so I knew this would be good! And it sure was!
I used 1/2 tsp with 1/2 cup cold milk, and the only negative thing I can say is that there were a few clumps. I’m going to try actually shaking it next time and seeing if that helps. The directions say to use a sifter and use hot water, but I don’t have a sifter, and its just so gosh darn good with cold milk!
This stuff is so so good, and I love MissB for sending some my way! I’m already planning an order for more!
Oh, you’ll want to either shake it, or blend it in a blender to get the clumps out. Other method is to do it hot, mix until the clumps are gone, then add ice cubes. OR, get a matcha whisk (it isn’t called a whisk but rather a chasen, FYI), I think Red Leaf sells them for a decent price.
So, while at Target today, I picked up a four pack of cafe cup coffee pod things for $10 that are supposed to be used for keurig, just to hold me over until I get a better steeping mechanism (I’m really wanting a nord or perfect cup from David’s Tea). They’re pretty small, so I’ll probably limit teas that really expand to 1/2 tsp at a time, but its better than twist-tied coffee filters.
Anyway, so I chuckled a little when I saw that MissB had included this in my box. I just placed an order with Zen Tea this weekend, and this is probably the tea that I’m most looking forward to from my order, haha.
I’m definitely glad I ordered it now, I love just about anything vanilla or hazelnut, and the nuttyness from the oolong goes perfectly. I’m finding that oolong is one of my favorite bases for desserty blends. It just complements the vanilla-y, caramel-y, nutty flavors that are in most dessert teas so well.
And I just love how much oolongs expand. Seeing how 1/2 tsp expands and fills the whole cafe cup is so neat to me. of course this means that since theres not enough room for the leaves to fully extend, the teas probably isn’t living up to it’s full potential.
Deifinately a yummy dessert tea! (I feel like I say yummy too much in my reviews)
I must admit, I’m not a malt gal. So this is a tea that I probably never bought for myself. BUT, when I saw this in my package from MissB I got excited. Seeing it in front of me, I started thinking that maybe malty wouldn’t be bad in tea, especially if the tea is chocolaty.
I’m so happy I gave it a chance! So freaking yummy and chocolaty and without any of the things I don’t like about malt. I purposefully steeped it a shorter period to encourage the chocolate to take center stage, and make the malt take the back seat. With a little milk and truvia, yum yum yummy.
I saw another reviewer say that they made a tea float with this, and I have to try that next!
This was different in a good way. Green tea with chocolate and mint is a surprising yet successful combination. This is more mint heavy, with the chocolate delicately in the background. It’s still there, it’s just more there for support than for taking center stage. Another yummy chocolate mint tea.
Thanks MissB for this one too!
Oh wow, this was yummy. definitely peppermint mocha, with a yummy rooibos twist! The woodsy taste of the rooibos adds a subtle depth to the traditional peppermint mocha. Tasty goodness, I found that I finished my cup almost instantly!
Thanks MissB for sending this along to me!
Op, nope, not a fan. Licorice is all I taste. Very visually appealing blend, but just can’t get past the licorice. Not wanting to dumb the cup, I tried adding a heavy dose of Almond Joy coffee creamer. This did a good job masking the licorice through the front and middle of sip, and left a very mellow slight licorice taste at the end of the sip. While this made the cup drinkable, I don’t see myself making this again. If only I could pull the licorice out of the blend, because the rest sounds interesting. Also, I think I way over leafed this.
Thanks MissB for sending this to me.
This was a pretty good chai rooibos. I think the ginger was a touch too strong in this one, because I, like MissB, experienced some slight scratchy throat feeling, and I think that its from too much ginger. I sweetened it and added a dash of milk which helped mellow ginger a bit. Over all, and enjoyable cup, but I probably wont be repurchasing.
Thanks MissB for the sample!
So my boyfriend broke my french press I had been using to steep my tea, which means I had to get creative with some coffee filters and twist ties to make this. I don’t know if I underleafed, or understeeped, or if the filter affected it, but it seemed weaker than the last time I made this. Was still yummy, but less flowery than I remember.
Aw. You need a basket! This is the best one I’ve tried: http://www.amazon.com/Finum-63-421-50-00-Brewing-Basket/dp/B000I68NCS