294 Tasting Notes
The ratio of rice to green tea and spices was a lot higher this time, which made for a more strongly toasty tea with a more subtle hint of spice. The result is a seemingly completely different, although still enjoyable, cup of tea.
Although I’m pretty sure I’ve never had an Earl Grey before, I always figured I wouldn’t like it. I decided to be brave and try my sample of this anyway. It wasn’t terrible, but like I suspected, I’m not a fan. Better than I was expecting, but I won’t be purchasing. And because I’m pretty sure that it’s earl greys in general, and not just this earl grey I don’t like, I wont be rating.
Funny side note, I enjoy notes of bergamot in colognes and perfumes, just don’t like the taste apparently.
Oh wow, this is good. Opening up the sample bag, the first thing I noticed was the sweet berry smell. I just wanted to smell it forever, it’s so intoxicating. Even after steeping, the smell is still so strong and delectable. I nearly burnt my tongue on the first sip because I was to excited to blow on it or let it cool a little. So yum, I literally had to force myself to savor it instead of downing it instantly. I must try this iced, I’m not a “sweet iced tea”(like the kind at restaurants or McD’s) type of girl, but I LOVE fruity iced tea, and I have high hopes for this one!
Flavors: Berries
I’m almost out, which means I really need to go buy some more real soon, because I can’t end a day without my nighttime tea. I steeped this tonight with about a tsp of herbal infusions vanilla cacao tea. Yummy! It added a hint of chocolate, which complimented the vanillamintiness so deliciously. And the smell of the two together, mmm. So comfy smelling.
This was my first straight Rooibos (there I go with that phrase again). I actually drank it straight, without and milk or sugar, which if you’ve seen any of my other tasting notes, is pretty rare for me. This was pleasant. In not the greatest at describing flavors, but something about this was just comforting. Even more surprising, of all the Just Organic teas I’ve tried so far, it’s this plain tea, not a flavored, that I think I need more of.
The boyfriend and it went out to dinner tonight, so I had a cup of this around 6 to hold me over till he got of work at 8. I noticed how swollen the bag gets (and maybe I’m having too much fun with loose leaf teas), so I ripped the bag open and steeped it in my French press to allow plenty of room for the broccoli to expand. After steeping I added in a little bit of chicken broth base stuff (the liquidy type you keep in a fridge) to instead of plain salt. While it masked any remaining tea flavor that might have been left, it made for a delicious broth soup that really did satisfy me. This tea is so tasty and fun with so many possibilities.
I feel like most of my tasting notes start out with this phrase, but: My first Assam. Wow, I really am I tea newbie, I’ve been devouring various grocery store bagged tea for years with no idea what I was missing.
This smells like spicy nutmeg which always reminds me of pumpkin pie. So instantly I was salivating (even though I knew it wouldn’t taste like pumpkin pie).
There’s definitely nutmeg here, and it somehow tastes sort of creamy, both of which are nicely balanced with the Assam tea. A splash of milk and dash of sweetener just enhance the flavors and made for a very nice sweet mid morning tea
My first oolong! I put to teaspoons into my French press, and added the hot water and instantly the little balled up tea leaves exploded and expanded and filled all 8 oz of water with leaves. My first time experiencing tea expand so much and it was endlessly amusing (I really am easily entertained, wow).
So I took a break from studying for my last final to make brunch. 2 eggs sunny side up with a drizzle of maple syrup in a pita pocket (don’t knock it till you try it), and I just knew I had to pair it with this. First thing I noticed when I opened it open was the intoxicating smell. Wow, I can smell it all day! Sweet maple, a hint of tangy ness and an almost caramelly smell. So so good. Bath and body works needs to recreate this smell so I can plug it in my kitchen wall flower (my pumpkin waffle one is almost empty).
Waiting the couple minutes for it to brew felt like forever. Finally, it was ready to drink. The maple isn’t as strong as it smells, it’s still there, but it isn’t overpowering. I’m actually glad of that because it allows me to taste the oolong. The second steeping, the maple had mellowed out some more and I think I even tasted a little tangy cream cheeseness, though that might be because I was looking for it. After a few sips, I did drizzle a little maple syrup in to sweeten. This heightened the maple flavor, but masked the tea flavor. A very interesting and satisfying blend, I now know I need to pick up the French Toast blend while it’s still back in stock. Maybe I can even get my boyfriend to try it
Probably the Just Organic Tea I was most excited to try! After tasting the yummy spicyness of the Orange Spice, I knew I had to have the chai next, and I knew it would be good!
Very strongly scented, I was in heaven while this was steeping. So warm and spicy smelling, I couldn’t wait to take a sip.
With a dash of milk and a sprinkle of sugar, this really hit the spot. Creamy spice sweet yummy goodness. Not too heavy on the cinnamon, this was a nice mix of spices. I’m sad to see it go, and when I use up some of my other chais, I might restock.