drank Vanilla Cacao by Herbal Infusions
294 tasting notes

So I had two more cups of this last night. The first cup I steeped for 30 minutes, and didn’t notice much of a change from steeping about 10 minutes, which is a good thing, because now I won’t feel like I should steep it that long, which means less time before I can drink it.
The second cup, I warmed up some milk and used that instead of water. I let it steep while I painted my nails, so probably about 20 minutes. I added some truvia and took a sip. And wow, is it good. Instead of tasting like watered down hot chocolate, it tasted like slightly weaker hot chocolate. Milky and creamy and chocolately and sweet, only thing it was missing was that almost thicker mouth feel and decadence. But, at the same time I could drink cups of this without feeling like I’m going to be sick, unlike regular hot chocolate. Very very yummy! Next time I might try simmering the milk and tea together on the stover to kind of thicken it up a bit and see how that tastes!

8 min or more 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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