294 Tasting Notes


I went in for my yearly hair cut a little early this year (I usually realize how long it’s been around my birthday in September). I know that’s really bad, but I always put off getting my hair cut because I want to be Rapunzel, and then by the time I realize my hair is getting ratty, I keep forgetting to make an appointment, and then next thing you know my birthdays here and it’s been another year since my last cut. This year my hair was longer than ever. No only did I have to stand up while my hairdresser cut the length, but even with my chair all the way down, she had to stand on her tippy toes while stretching my hair up to trim the layers. And it took almost an hour to blow dry my hair, poor girl. I definitely left a good tip for all her trouble. I’m 5’6 and had hair down to my butt when I went in, and now it’s just past bra strap level. And even though it pains me to see even those 4-5inches go, I know my hair looks so much healthier now.

Anyway, I had brought this, cold brewed, with me to the salon. Flavor wise it’s a little thin, but considering that it’s Acai, it kind of works. I always think of things that are acai flavored as lighter and more gentle in taste. The flavor is a little fake, but not all together bad. And there’s a nice lingering fruity aftertaste, that funnily enough packs more punch than the sip itself. The flavor isn’t my favorite, but it’s not bad, and is a good mellow option for staying hydrated when cold brewed.


I know what you mean about waiting and waiting to get my hair cut. I used to do that, too. It was down to my butt at one point, too. It was in such bad shape, though. I wish I’d taken better care when it was that long. (Now it’s short and I have to go in every month.)


It takes a while for me to get my hair cut too.. it usually looks terrible right after they cut it anyway, so I wait a while. haha. :D


I get phobic about getting my hair cut. I have had a few annoying experiences. Ironically my favourite hair cut ever was in Ecuador. We went to a salon, where most of the work was done by the assistant, but when the stylist came he pulled your hair up into a pony tail and pulled it to the front or the back depending on how you wanted the layering, he than angled it and cut. Seriously the layering was perfect and it grew out very well, all in one cut!


I used to have glorious hair, resilant as can be, thick and luxurious. Goofy looking because of the natural waves underneath of my straight top layer.
Then, when I started high school, I went through my “rebellious” phase. First I bleached the front sections of my hair by my face so that I could dye them first blue, and then when the color faded, purple. Then I decided to go jet black, which washed me out and looked terrible on me. When my roots started to grow back, I tried dying in back to brown, but all it did was dye my roots. So then, still never going to a salon, I decided to bleach all my hair and then dye it brown. Not only did I get mild chemical burns on my scalp, but I destroyed my hair. For the first time in my life, I had split ends. I redyed it a couple times after that, and then stopped. I didn’t redye it for ~4 years, and during my yearly hair cut I finally cut off the last of the non virgin hair. But the bad thing about split ends is they continue to split, so I still struggle with a mild case of them.
I did end up dying my hair red back in March, and just redyed it back to brown about an hour ago. It came out a little darker than I wanted, but I’m just going to hope it fades a little bit because I don’t plan on lightening it.


I had to do that a bit as well, because of successive treatments of highlights/lowlights to hide grey. Well, eventually they stopped looking rational, so I did a single colour process. I don’t do it very often, but I found out the line the salon used which supposedly was more gentle and bought it at as pro shop and did it myself. So far so good. My hair thankfully is relatively undamaged. I used to be unable to get it to even hold dye. My hair is kind of naturally wavy, I usually get the most compliments city my bed head after going to bed with it wet, but brush it and its frizz, frizz, frizz. It used to drive my mother insane, and one of my friends too( he used to be a pro stylist). It can be frustrating because it doesn’t even like to hold a style. A stylist once put in over 95 pins to hold a simple updo for a wedding. To keep it healthy and under control, I sometimes resort to hair oil. I’ve basically been told I have Asian hair..


My hair really loved the red dye. I don’t know if it was because it was virgin, but even though my hair was rinsing bright red/pink for 3 weeks after dying it, staining everything it touched while wet (towels robes pillowcases clothes) and looking like a crime scene while showering, I didn’t notice much fading at all.
But if got lots of thick hair, both the thickness of the individual strands, and the amount of strands. As such, I have I hard time with updos. I used to work in food, and I would need 3 hair ties (the kind special made for thick hair. Regular ones break like crazy) just to get my hair in a bun. One to make a pony and then two criss crossing on top of the bun to help hold it in place. But it likes waves and curls. Most of my styling comes from me braiding my hair after my shower, before bed (which I found is the only way to not strangle myself or have my boyfriend roll onto my hair at night anyway). I wake up with voluptuous waves that so long as I do to try brushing, look pretty good.


Ah! I just cut my hair once in a while. :D I probably should get a hair cut soon, now that I think about it…

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This is one of those teas that when I have, I want to smack old me on the head. For some reason I used to avoid unflavored black teas like the plague. I guess I assumed all black tea tasted like McDonalds sweet iced tea (which, as much as saying so might get me stoned by the cult following said tea has down here, I can’t stand).
Thankfully, and to my total surprise, straight black teas can actually be good! Especially this tea. I get a great amount of cocoa out of this tea. Cocoa and caramel are the two strongest notes I get. I’ve never had caramelized plum (sounds divine) I can imagine that the dark, tantalizing, fruity undertone that I’m getting here is just that.

Absolutely amazing, this tea is a symbol for everything I was missing when I was shunning black teas.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I love this review Mandy…me and Aila have a very special relationship as you may or may not know :-)
If you like them, try eating fresh cherries with it….divine!!


Oh I can’t help but notice all of your favorite little tea babies. You’re definitely one of the reasons I have such a hard time not placing more orders for more tea!

I really need to get some cherries! Seeing you mention them all the time has got me craving some!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Cherries are the best. EVER. :)


It is cherry season…..

I have the same relationship with straight blacks, although not because I thought of McD’s sweet tea…but I have avoided them, but I’m working slowly on changing that. Mostly because people write all these amazing tasting notes.


Oh my gosh, you need to introduce those McDs iced tea fans to actual tea!!

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drank Top Leaf by Mellow Monk
294 tasting notes

I’ve cold brewed this and brought it to close quite a few time this past couple of weeks. I think the fact that I’ve made it more than once sort of speaks for itself. With as many teas I have waiting to be tried, I haven’t been making the same tea twice for the most part. But there’s something just so satisfying about this tea.

For one, the color of the leaves is just to dark and vibrantly green, and combined with the feel of the wet leaf, it really reminds me of spinach that’s been cooked. It’s just so pretty. And it brews up so green. Most teas are shades of yellow and brown, but this one is distinctly green. I even kept commenting on it to my boyfriend on the way to the store. He didn’t seem to appreciate it like I do though, haha.

But the thing I love most is the taste! It’s so perfectly vegetal, yet delicate, vaguely sweet and refreshing. It’s such an easy pick for when I want something tasty to take to class. I really need to try test resteeping the leaves because at this rate I’m going to run out much fast than I want to.

4 tsp 28 OZ / 828 ML

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This is my last sample from Persimmon Tree Tea Company, and the one I’ve been avoiding. I didn’t know that star anise is similar to licorice when I requested this sample. I did realize it when I smelled the tea once it arrived. I really really don’t like licorice. Still, I tried to give this a fair chance, I really really did. But the licorice taste was to strong for me.

On the plus side, I’ve you’re a fan of licorice, this is a tea for you.


black licorice is just nasty, nasty stuff. Blech.

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drank Cotton Candy by DAVIDsTEA
294 tasting notes

Thanks Ost!
I have to say, I was highly skeptical about this one. What makes cotton candy tea different from sugar water? Isn’t cotton candy just spun sugar?

I cold brewed this and took it to the gym with me this morning. And I must say, it really does remind me of cotton candy. I haven’t had cotton candy in years, but something about this really does scream cotton candy, and not just sugar water. There’s something more to this, and I was really surprised! Definitely want to look into purchasing some of this!

Iced 2 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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Thanks Ost for the sample!

Wow oh wow this smells so good, sweet and cinnamony and gooey. Steeped up the smell is strong enought that I can smell it while it was on my bedside table and I was sitting in bed. It really does smell like ooey gooey cinnamon buns. The kind with extra filling.

Sipping it, it really tastes like liquified cinnamon rolls. Sweet, common goodness. I must admit I was skeptical. “What’s the difference between cinnamon tea and cinnamon roll tea?” But somehow there’s something else to this tea that makes it more than just a cinnamon tea. It really tastes like biting in to the best part of a common roll: the dead center. Lots of cinnamon and brown sugar, a little glaze, and the bread that’s just a touch above doughy.

A perfect cup to end the night, this is going on my to buy list.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Thanks Cheri for the sample!
I must admit, the first and only time I’ve ever had Creme Brulee was on my cruise last month, so I’m not the perfect judge of accuracy here! I can say that this was caramelly and sort of creamy and vanilla-y. I’m not getting much custard from this, but I’m satisfied with what I am getting. I nice sweet dessert tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Green Apple Watermelon by 52teas
294 tasting notes

Hmm. I might need to try this one again, hot and then flash freezing, because cold brewing seemed to draw out a plasticy note. I’m not a big fan of green apple, but the good news is, from what I can taste around the plastic notes, the green apple and watermelon seem to play together nicely in this without the green apple taking over. I’ll hold of rating this for now until I try making it again and see if the plasticiness is still there.

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drank Butterscotch Banana by 52teas
294 tasting notes

I’ve had this one sitting in my fridge for a few days now. I keep taking a few sips, and then putting it back. It’s not that its bad, it’s just that I’m not a fan of banana flavors. The Butterscotch is sweet and yummy, but it doesn’t fully mask the banana like I was sort of hoping it would. So the rest of this will go in my swap pile, and hopefully it will find a more loving home. I’m pretty sure it will, since lots of people seem to love Frank’s banana teas.


I got this tea in my grab bag as well! I mixed mine with a bit of lemonade to make an Arnold Palmer. The two flavors surprisingly mixed well together.. and I don’t remember too much banana when drinking it this way, too:]

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drank Pistachio Ice Cream by Butiki Teas
294 tasting notes

Before I ever tried this, I knew I was pretty much guaranteed to love it. I’ve always loved pistachios, and my love for ice cream and green tea, and this was perfect from the start.

Story time:
My friend and I were house sitting, and were both tipsy, and we both dropped our phones in the hot tub, and couldn’t find rice. So, I saw this gigantic jar filled with pistachios, and I say: “lets put our phones in there, because theyre salty like rice.” Now, we were recording ourselves on the webcam at the time so I actually have this on tape. I even told future sober me to remember when we can’t find our phones in the morning, that we put them in the pistachios. I still to this day can’t believe drunk me thought rice was salty and that’s why it absorbed water xD.

First, I want to talk about the base of this tea. It’s everything I love about green tea. If this is what they mean by seaweed type green tea, then I want tons of seaweed type green teas. It’s fresh vegetal and so lovely. Makes me want to do a happy dance.

And then, there’s a fantastic creaminess to this tea, both in taste and flavor. And a delicious nuttiness. And the aftertaste is distinctly pistachio. I’m pretty positive if there was a green tea and pistachio ice cream, and you let it melt, and maybe thinned it out with some water, you’d end up with this tea.

I want more of this, because I feel like 1oz just isn’t enough.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Did you prepare this tea straight up?

Cameron B.

This sounds so good! :D


I did add a touch of sweetener, but no milk or anything else.


I have fallen in love with Butiki and Stacy is just awesome…. This is the only tea I have tried and havent fallen imediately in love with..I have only made this tea once…and I must of made it really weak…I will have to revisit it. Glad you loved it!


Try doubling up on the leaf, I didn’t do that, but I saw someone mention that they did and found it a lot better!


Thanks Mandy!


No problem! Let me know how it turns out!

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