294 Tasting Notes
I usually drink fruity teas cold, either cold brewed or flash chilled with ice. This is especially true during the dog days of summer, but something made me want to try this tea hot. I thought that maybe since it’s vanilla cream in addition to blueberry, maybe it will taste kind of like a blueberry pie or something equally dessert like.
Hot, it does kind of remind me of vanilla ice cream melting on blueberry pie filling. It doesn’t taste exactly like I’m drinking a pie or anything, but it’s sweet, creamy, kind of vanilla, and gooey blueberriness enough to summon the images.
It’s pretty good dry, but I still really want to try this cold. I have a feeling it will be very juicy and refreshing.
Flavors: Blueberry, Cream
Thank you Dinosara for sending this to me. I love nuts, and I especially love hazelnuts. When I smelled this, I knew I was going to like it. It smell sweet and nutty and almost like a dessert. I made it up latte style with milk and a bit of sweetener, and it was delicious. Sweet and nutty and creamy and mouth watering.
The hazelnut is the star of the show here, but that doesn’t mean that the matcha doesn’t make an appearance.
This is a new favorite flavor for matchas, and I can only imagine how decadent this would be blended with a bit of cocoa powder, or even chocolate chip ice cream.
The smell of the dry leaf of this is very creamy yet floral, and a touch vegetal. Steeped up the creamy mostly only translates over in a smooth almost buttery mouthfeel. The flavor is very floral with a hint of butteriness at the end of the sip. Second steep is similar to the first, but also a bit chestnutty, especially as it starts to cool.
The third steeping is much like the last, but the forth brings out a smooth creamy note. And with that, it’s getting late and I’m gonna hit the hay.
The dry leaf of this smells amazing. This is my first experience with a milk oolong, and it’s smells sweet and creamy and almost buttery.
Steeped up, the aroma is so creamy and milky. The mouth feel of this is buttery and the tea seems to almost coat the inside of my mouth. The taste is a bit more mellow than the smell, but still have sweet and creamy. There’s also a bit of a floral note present. The second steep features a sweet buttery flavor in addition to the mouthfeel.
The third is much like the second, but brings back the floral notes a bit stronger. The forth steep the buttery and creamy notes has faded quite a bit, taking the background to the floral.
I know this is a flavored oolong, but it’s delicious.
Flavors: Butter, Cream, Floral, Milk
The leaves of this smell floral and nutty and lightly vegetal.
The tea steeps up a very pale peachy yellow, almost clear. This is a quite floral and delicate, with a hint chestnut and green beans. The second cup is much like the first, but a bit stronger. The floral is more like a jasmine type of floral than a rose type of floral, which I definitely prefer. I imagine this will make a great cold brew.
Flavors: Chestnut, Floral, Vegetal
First of all, the leaf of this is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Long flat leaves ranging from about 2-3" long. Almost translucent in some parts, and delicate. I’ve never had a monkey picked tea before, so I don’t know if this is the norm, but it’s beautiful. And the smell smells just like all my favorite green teas, deliciously vegetal.
Brewed up, this is a pale pistachio color. The flavors are very soft and delicate, gently caressing you taste buds with light asparagus and green bean like flavors. The second steep provides a darker, deeper asparagus flavor complemented by a soft chestnut flavor. As it cools it develops a slightly floral hint at the edges.
This was an absolute delight, and one I’ll have to restock on.
Flavors: Asparagus, Chestnut, Green Beans, Vegetal
This is the least puerh smelling puerh I’ve ever smelled.
The first cup is a mix of floral and grassy hay like notes. The second cups deepens, both in color and in taste. Now there’s a pleasant earthiness at the beginning of the sip that melds into a sweet dark florally note by the end. The wet leaves are also beginning to smell more earthy and pond water like.
Third cup loses more of the floral, and your left with a mellow light earthy cup that just barely hints at an almost caramel or honey type of sweet note. The forth cup has more of that sweet note teasing you from the edge. I still can’t decide if it’s more caramel or honey, but it’s a pleasant surprise either way. It’s there at the beginning and end of the sip, with the earthiness sandwiched in the middle.
I have a feeling I can still get a couple more steeps out of this, but for now, it’s getting late and I’m leaving it for now.
Wow this is so tropical. Cold brewed.
Juicy orange, pineapple and mango meld together and create a bright tropical juice like tea. The orange and pineapple give just a bit of tang to keep it from being too sweet. The base tea in this takes the back seat, letting the fruits do there thang.
I’m more of a berry type of fruit person when it comes to flavors (but I love all actual fruits), but this reminds me of a beach resort in Cozumel that I went to last month. It had an open bar, and I used it as an opportunity to sample a bunch of mixed drinks, a bunch of which featured pineapple mango and/or orange flavors.
The aroma when you go to take a sip is very much orange peel, and when you take a sip, the first thing I taste it orange, quickly followed by diluted pineapple juice which carries on through the end of the sip where there’s a hit of mango melding in with the pineapple, and finally the orange comes back in a lingering aftertaste. Not bad!
I cold brewed this up last night, and was amazed at how sweet and nutty and creamy it smelled. It smells like a dessert tea, which surprised me considering I was expecting something much more fruity.
I woke up with an upset stomach and decided to sip on this in order to settle my tummy. It’s not too surprising considering how strong the creamy hazelnut smell was, that this tea is very nutty. Much more nut than fruit. There’s a hint of something fruity towards the end, but I definitely wouldn’t call this a fruity tea. The good news is I didn’t experience any tartness, despite the rose hips.
Considering that this is much more nutty than fruity, I’m going to need to try this hot next. But overall it’s not a bad dessert type tea.
Hmm, the description says that oolong is considered the champagne of teas, but I always thought that that was Darjeelings. Anyway, this oolong still has bits, but there’s bigger pieces in this one too, and no stems.
The liquor of this one is darker, and more brown. Taste wise this is a bit weak in taste, it probably could have used another minute steeping. But the flavor is a lot more honey. This actually isn’t half bad. Lots of honey notes, the only thing holding this tea back is the lack of depth or complexity. The only flavor I detect is honey. Not bad, thought. Much better than the standard grade.