761 Tasting Notes
I had this tea this morning…trying to remember which bag this came from, who the sample was from. Eeek. I didn’t put it away afterward…I left it out to remind me to write a note. So, I think this is from OMGsrlsy.
I love pu erhs, especially in combination with sweet things. Cinnamon is a nice enhancer for such a war and earthy tea. The fact that this tea has pu erh with golden yunnan buds for that bread/malty/grainy feel, I feel the blend really does justice to this tea.
It’s just a delicious combination, and I can see why this one is so popular. I intially thought it was a bit like Almond Indulgence, fro Butiki, but this is richer because of the pu erh in the base, and I think it is unfair to compare one to the other, even though they share some characteristics.
I’m very grateful for the sample. It’s really yummy, and is a great morning tea.
This one is a sample with my co-op order. I used the whole sample, and I actually used a thermometer and a timer to make this. Go me!
I am stressing a little bit about work, over vacation time I have left for the year, and a trip I want to take in the fall. It’s really silly. And I’ve bent over backwards for them, so I think as flexible as I have been for them, they can be a little flexible with me.
Anyhow, that, plus customers at the end, plus a big refund at the end of the day messed up my mojo (I still ended up doing well, but $300 less good). I wanted to have something comforting, and I thought that the simplistic nature of a straight, but complex oolong would be what I needed.
Sadly, as tasty as this is, it is not what I needed. It is a nice medium roasted oolong. Not too dark, but definitely out of the realm of green. The leaves still unfurled some with the first steep, and they are a dark brownish with tinge of green.I do get roasted apple and almonds with a little floral note. And it is fairly sweet on its own, though I did end up adding a little sugar, but half of what I normally use.
I admit I was hoping for this to be a little darker, maybe like an Oriental Beauty, but it is not. This isn’t to say I don’t like this, because that is not true. But my mood is affecting how I am receiving it…it’s tasty, but not what I was hoping for, so it might be time for some hazelnut or a dessert tea.
Oh this is tasty! Shared this with a friend tonight. We both really enjoyed it. She had hers plain and I had mine with milk and sugar. I would like to try brewing this in milk on the stovetop. I’d love to get a nice rich and creamy mug of this, especially on a rainy or cool night. Chai kick continues..
Thanks to Cavocorax for sparing me the last of her sample…it’s very delicious!
Glad you liked it! I wasn’t super excited about it from the name (for whatever reason) but I loved it after I tried my half of the sample. :P I’ll definitely order more next time I order from tealux.
Yeah, I liked it a lot. I find that pu erhs hold up really well to sweet flavours like caramel, maple, and chocolate. I think they cut through the rich earthiness and yet the earthiness of the pu erh adds a level of richness to the caramel, maple or chocolate.
After reading the reviews, I opted for a short steep and was careful on how much leaf I used. I didn’t find it too lemony or tart at all. The milk may have dulled that. I did taste the chai part though. I’m interested to see how it steeps up in the future. I got a nice size sample from CrowKettle from the Vancouver meetup earlier in the week. I may see how this one is without milk, though I tend to like chai with milk, so maybe I’ll try the stovetop method also.
Cold steeped this one today for work. It tasted like genmaicha, but something was odd about it. I think I read somewhere of a metallic smell or taste, and that’s probably the best description too. Something chemical or artificial. I don’t know if this was over-leafing or the cold steeping, but I do intend on having more hot with an eye on the amount I use.
This was from CrowKettle. I’ve been wanting to try this one for a long time. I’m hoping subsequent steeps are better.
I think I’ve had too much tea lately that I’m having a hard time with some tastes. This smelled really good, but I had a hard time picking out subtle flavours. I did add milk and sugar, so next time maybe I’ll skip the milk.
This is from incendiare from our trip to Murchies a few days ago. She picked up her Butiki order and gave me a sample of this to try.
Backlog…I had this one on Wednesday on the way to Vancouver for a meet up. I think I hastily brewed it, as it was early, so I think it came out fairly bland. I’ gonna try it again with the rest of the sample from Incendiare. I’ll reserve rating to I have made it again.
Backlog…I had this on Wednesday, on the ferry to Vancouver for our meetup…I tried making it with a small mason jar and some hot water from the ferry and some milk. It was probably the hasty preparation, but it isn’t a favourite.
Thanks to Incendiare for the chance to try this matcha. I have some french vanilla that I think I will like better.
It’s a nice blend….a little earl grey floral bergamot, a little sweet honey. Maybe a little of a tart berry like blackberry too.
Thanks Cavo, for the bag to try.
I did a SIPDOWN of my sachets and I am trying to make myself let go of some of these tea tins I have all about. The thing is, this one is so pretty I don’t want to get rid of it! It is sitting on my secretary desk right now and may become my pencil holder because the ruffle is so regal and the silver filigree shines so prettily.
Oops, it is actually the Blueberry Green tin I am having trouble letting go. They are both purple, but BG is brighter.
Another hit for me from Butiki…this one was a sample with the recent co-op order I participated in.
I made this up this morning, along with With Open Eyes which was a cold steep for later at work (I bring two tumblers to work since the water is sketchy in our building). I opted to try this black, with just a touch of raw sugar.
First starters, can I just say that this tea is seriously beautiful? Really, really, a sight to behold. With the taste, it was not what I expected an almond tea to taste like, but that said, seeing that it was formerly Almond Cookie, I totally got that taste. It was cinnamon, and almond, but not like marzipan almond…more just nutty almond. So I really got a sense I was drinking an almond (and cinnamon) cookie. There was almond a cocoa/coffee note from the steeped leaves too.
It was delightful! I am curious to see how this would hold up with milk. I think the delicate flavours would drown, but I don’t know. This is going on my list for the future, as I do want to try more than this one serving sample.
This one is amazing! I split an order of it with Sil. Maybe that’s where OMGsrsly got it from? I don’t think I sent you the last of mine, but who knows… Swap swap away!
This one re-steeps really well too.
Yep, it’s from Cavo and Sil. :) I have one serving left at home.