761 Tasting Notes

drank Organic Assam by Harney & Sons
761 tasting notes

Backlog…had this a bit ago, maybe a week? It seemed like a stronger black, but nothing remarkable that made me say I need more of this. It wasn’t bad though…just unremarkable. I liked Butiki’s Premium Taiwanese Assam better.

From Cavocorax…part of my introduction to straight assams.

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It could be my brewing method or my timolino, but something isn’t tasting right with this. I much prefer Teavivre’s offering. I won’t be sad if this is cut. I’ll reserve judgement in rating til I brew again.

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This is awesome. More thorough notes later.

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First off, let me say that this is another one of Stacy’s gorgeous tea blends. The little purple flowers are so sweet.

**** **** ****

I may have overleafed, but I am getting a fairly thick mouthfeel. Creamy and buttery, with a tinge of the cilantro, but somewhat sweet. This observation is from somewhat cooled, though still warm, un-sweetened tea. With a little bit of unrefined cane sugar, the sweetness from the pineapple pops, and it is juicier, but still feeling thick on the tongue and at the back of my mouth as I swallow. I can’t recall many white teas that feel so creamy and heavy with body like this.

I was a tad bit worried I wouldn’t like this, since I am not a fan of cilantro, but I find the cilantro melds into the buttery vegetal base.

Thanks to CrowKettle for tossing this one my way with the Butiki co-op order.

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Got this one last week at our Tea Meet Up in Vancouver as a sendoff to Cavocorax before she moves to Toronto. This was the first tea I said, “I’ll take 50g, please” to. It’s pretty tasty as a sweet dessert comfort tea. Now that I’ve had this on its own, I’m gonna make a Divine Brûlée tea cocktail for a hazelnut tinged creme brûlée.

I like this, and I’m glad I got 50 g of it, but I don’t know if I love it enough to have it on hand all the time.

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Eh, it is a bit too rooibos-y for me, and I could really only discern a sweetness, but necessarily from caramel. I’m glad I tried this sample, which came from CrowKettle but I’ll probably pass it on to someone who likes rooibos more.

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drank Pistachio Cream by DAVIDsTEA
761 tasting notes

I’m on the fence with this one…it is very similar to Mulberry Magic, and I was always on the fence with that one, too.

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drank Sugar and Spice by DAVIDsTEA
761 tasting notes

Steeped this on the stove with half water and half milk, following the guidelines for the Pumpkin Chai latte, minus the whipped cream, and I had it all in one mud.

It’s delicious and warming, but it makes me think it is in the wrong seasonal collection. I can so see this in the winter collection. I’d say the clove stands out the most, with the cinnamon and orange behind. I think it is stronger/bolder than Glitter and Gold.


Yeah, as soon as I saw the whole cloves, I wondered what this was doing in the fall collection.


As soon as I saw the NAME I wondered what this was doing in the Fall collection. It screams Christmas. Though I guess the advantage is that I get to try it now rather than later.

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This is nice and buttery, and a little juicy. I made this brew hot, and it was a little too tart, so I added a small bit of sugar and as it cooled, that seemed to help. It’s probably not something I would drink all the time, but it seemed to help with the spice from these adzuki bean crisps a friend gave me, smoky sweet chili flavour…tasty, but spicy. I have enough for one more steeping, so it will be nice to see how it plays when I don’t want to cut spiciness. I would have thought it would be good as a cold brew, but OMGsrsly did not care for it that way, and I respect her opinion. Sooo, I dunno….

Anyways, I am glad it is just a small sample, and I am grateful to have been able to try it, so thanks for the sample CrowKettle.


It could be good iced! The other dragonwell is good iced, at least. And I was using older tea than what you have.

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Picked this one up in Vancouver last week for the Vancouver Meetup before Cavocorax moves to Toronto. We spent a long time in Baywater looking at tea and sniffing, and this one was one that a lot of us liked, so we shared some.

Anyway, so my day ended up a little frustrating, and I had a bit of anxiety toward the end. I made the Gui Fei Oolong from Butiki earlier, and while it was tasty, it was not the warm hug around my heart that I needed tonight, so I brewed up a cup of this.

The first thing I pick up with the smell is almost a coffee bean smell, but if I smell deeper, it isn’t coffee bean, it’s the burnt sugar topping from creme brûlée that I am smelling. There is a sweet vanilla undernote, but it’s not an artificial vanilla…it feels warm and earthy.

I added milk and sugar to this. The sugar was fine, but I’m not sure of the milk. I was hoping it would be an enhancement to the creme part of the title, but I don’t know. I think it may have muted it too much, though I can still detect the burnt sugar notes through it.

I don’t know if I will like this one as compared to Divine Temptation, but I did have a thought to mix the two to create Hazelnut Creme Brûlée. So this is a winner from Bayswater. The only one I did not like so far was the Lemon Basil Oolong.


I’m surprised they all turned out (mostly) so well! I’m really happy we went!


I’m really pleased with the teas so far too. Maybe we all just have good taste! :)

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I generally like a lot of tea. I do find I have a preference for flavored over unflavoured, but I do love a good straight tea as well.

Likes are too hard, since there are a lot. Dislikes are easier, so here they are…

Hibiscus. Blech. I can tolerate a little, depending on the brew, like Berry Good from Davids and Ruby Pie from Butiki…but in general, it’s too tart and too strong for me.

Licorice. Anything that remotely resembles licorice is out too, so that includes fennel and anise. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Florals. I’m cool with petals in the tea to make them look pretty (except rose), and I’m cool with teas like oolongs having a floral note, but strong florals can give me migraines. Rose and jasmine are the biggest offenders. This is one where it can vary on the blend, as I can handle Teavivre’s Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea because there is very little jasmine actually detectable in it.

Rooibos is hit or miss. I can do some, but not others. I handle green better than red, and honeybush better than rooibos.

My ratings don’t have a particular scale or method, and may on occasion contradict themselves, but I’m honestly not fussed about that. Sometimes I don’t even rate at all.

Um, I have an extensive wishlist. It is both a list of things I want to get again, and things I want to try. If you are sending me something, and you want to know which is which, I’ll tell you via PM.

Yes, I do trades…usually on request though. See something you want to try in my cupboard? Just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do!

Uh, guess that’s it.


Victoria, BC

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