761 Tasting Notes
Ok, so this is part in and part out of my cupboard. It’s out as I’m giving it to CrowKettle but I decided to try some before I gave it up. I’m going to reserve enough for a small sample for her, and keep the rest.
It’s pretty weird and strong smelling, but I think that is mainly due to the strong ginger content.
I decided to give this a try because it really does have some good ingredients, even the sea lettuce (lots of minerals, yo!) and so I brewed this up as a medicinal tea.
I may actually make this a regular part of my tea drinking for the medicinal stuff…it’s got decent detox and female reproductive support stuff.
Not rating as I would not be drinking this for taste.
Flavors: Ginger, Mint
Made this as a cold latte today, which seems to be the best way I can make them. I used the whole packet sample in my matcha mug, a little raw cane sugar, a little slightly cooled water, used my electric whisk frother for a few seconds (maybe 15?) and then slowly added about 1/3 cold milk and continued frothing. At that point I decided to try using more milk, so I turned the whisk brother off, added more milk, frothed again for another 15-20 seconds. The flavour is fairly mild behind all the milk, but creamy. Only it is a bit more artificial than I like, but tasty still.
Thanks for the sample, sil.
Sipdown! Still a very pleasant tea. One I should have cold steeped as I feel it would be a great one for that, but maybe next time. I’m in Spring Clean 2014 mode as my mom is here next week for a few days. So I’m just trying to clear out some tea to make it look less bad of a problem to her. :P
So I have been saving the last of this sample which I think originally came from MissB a while back, with the intent of cold steeping or making iced. Well, as I was searching out teas for a friend, I spotted this and thought today was a good day to do this.
Sadly, it’s still just ok, and I’m actually just getting a green tea taste with not much of the peach, oddly enough. I’m not sure if I used too much or steeped it too long or what. I’m glad I tried it.
On a side note, my hubby looked at the steeped tea and veggies in my infuser and was like, “What is this?!” and I said that it was tea. He says, “It’s not tea; it’s salad!” and I was like, it is green tea but it does have peas and corn. He kept saying it was salad. :P
This is another of the samples from the Harry Potter customs I wanted to try, so Dexter sent me this and a few others. I can taste the raspberry and a little chocolate, but not much of anything else. It’s a pleasant enough tea, but not something I’d want to buy, to be honest. I am glad I had the chance to try it though. I have enough for one more cup.
I just got my teas from Teavivre today! They’re all green except for one white. Traditionally, I have not been a huge fan of straight greens, but decided that maybe different preparation or harvests or types could be the difference in what I like and dislike, so I’m always game to try more, and see if I can find something that I really like.
I’ve had this kind of tea in the past and it has not been my favourite, but I read some reviews and decided if a change in preparation was in order. So I used the whole sample packet, in my normal steeper from DAVIDs, filled up as much as I could get, and did a minute and a half to two minute steep with water that had cooled off at least 5 minutes…maybe longer.
The resulting brew is still a pale liquor, but it has a bit more flavour than I’m remembering from the past versions of this tea I have had. I’m actually drinking it unsweetened too. I’m not finding it bitter or anything. It is actually fairly smooth!
I stink at describing the tastes of vegetables like peas and artichoke and whatnot, so I can’t really say what it tastes like other than smooth and simple and mild. I am detecting a slight creamy feel, too. I may even resteep this.
I’m not one to have straight greens, but today seems like a good day for this. It is nice and sunny and relatively warm out today. It seems very fresh and crisp. Seems right.
Thanks to Angel at Teavivre for sending me the sample to review.
What!? That sound’s wonderful. I really need to place another order with Teavivre. The fact that it took over four months to get to me last time is the only thing holding me back..
Did you use the regular shipping option, or a more expensive shipping option? I never experienced any problems with them, but it might be worth it to spend a little more on shipping. They offer a special shipping option to Canada for about $8.
I also spend the extra for shipping, too! Worth it!
Um. it was from last summer when Angel sent me samples to review, so I can’t comment on the shipping. You might want to see if there is anyone else near you that would want to do a group order. We’ve done that with Butiki and Della Terra before. I would not mind doing so with Teavivre either….so CrowKettle, let me know if you are interested. Especially after you get your bag o swag from me with the samples I have put in there for you.
I got the impression that I was a somewhat special case, but the awesome people at Teavivre kept tabs on me and my parcel the whole time, even when I personally forgot about it! It’s only an issue because I don’t know where I’ll be in 4+ months right now. The $8 sounds like a good option though; thanks for the advice!
Amariel, I’ll get back to you on that! :)
My samples never take more than a few weeks.