Happy Mama’s Day to you who claim the title! Hope it has been delicious.
My guys surprised me with treats, my Sunday kids surprised me by being relatively well-behaved, and a sweet little octogenarian who teaches the special needs adults surprised me with a little flower start with tiny blooms that grow in a starburst shape. No clue what the variety is…I can ID herbs, marigold, pansies, and geraniums and that’s about it.
So one of the funny treats in the basket was one of those gift-grade tea books (but it’s cool—looks like a book made out of metal) with several varieties of boozy teas. I’ve been told it came from Tuesday Morning. I’ve never heard of the Life Plus Style company and didn’t see much online. But just for fun, I pulled out a brandy one and cold steeped it in a pint jar.
I have absolutely no point of reference to know if it’s even close, but it was really tasty iced, on the first genuinely warm day we’ve had in weeks. Mid 80’s after a month of that bone-chilling wet spring glop. Nondescript black tea base with flavoring that reminded me just a touch of cherry wood and alcohol. This assortment will be fun to enjoy this summer.
The cold wet glop hit us yesterday. Looking forward ot warmth and sun again but honestly, I wasn’t thrilled that we were seeing hot and sticky weather in May last week.