326 Tasting Notes

drank Chocolate Macaroon by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes


Not too much new to say about this. The coconut did seem a bit more muted than some other cups I’ve had and the pecans were really coming through. It did strike me that this tea is incredibly sweet (in a good way)—perfect for dessert.

I won’t be picking up more of this, but I can see myself getting a to-go cup of it if the mood strikes me.

Flavors: Almond, Chocolate, Coconut, Nuts, Pecan

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

I’m itching to pick up more, but I can totally see how a person may get tired of this after awhile.


If I had more room in my tea cupboard it would be nice to keep around. Maybe this summer I’ll clear out some space.


That’s my problem too. :)

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drank Pineapple Kona Pop by Teavana
326 tasting notes


I actually felt kind of bad for finishing this off, as it involved using about 24 tsp. of tea, but I was getting tired of having this in my cupboard and I can’t buy any new tea until I’ve cleared some space.

This cold brew turned out very, very citrus-y. More citrus than pineapple, though the incredibly sweet pineapple is there in the background. Floral notes are surprisingly absent compared to my last brew of this as well. Adding some sugar might might this a decent substitute for lemonade. Might try that for my next cup as there’s still a rather large jug of it…

Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Pineapple

Iced 24 tsp 101 OZ / 3000 ML

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drank Pumpkin Cheesecake by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes


I’m definitely drinking this tea about 6 months too late, though leftover turkey from Easter dinner can make me pretend it’s Thanksgiving. This is a really nice sipping tea. A subtle cinnamon-y pumpkin flavour that leaves you with a spiced aftertaste. Pumpkin is not usually a favourite of mine, but this goes down nicely. Not getting a whole lot of cheesecake though. I can see this being a really nice accompaniment to a walk sometime towards the end of September or beginning of October; it might even be worth buying a tad to do just that. All in all, it’s just the wrong time of year.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Pumpkin, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Main Squeeze by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes

Got a to-go cup of this at DAVID’s today. I have to admit, I surprised myself a little. I haven’t had much luck with mate in the past and I was leaning more towards something herbal. Still, I have been curious about this and the heavy lemon smell got to me.

The sip is primarily lemon zest. A slight grassy note as well and the aftertaste leans more towards orange than lemon. Even after the orange was a taste of something juicy and tropical. Papaya? Just for a fleeting second though. The caffeine buzz was pretty intense too. Felt properly awake for the first time all day as I tried to slog my way through my marketing text.

I didn’t love this enough to make we want to actually purchase some, but I wouldn’t have minded a second cup.

Flavors: Grass, Lemon Zest, Orange Zest

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drank Goji Pop by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes


I just can’t seem to get into this tea. I received quite a bit as a gift from a friend last summer and have since tried it a few times without much success. It isn’t even that the flavour is unpleasant, it’s just not memorable. I often find myself trying to remember what this tea even tastes like. Well having finally gotten tired of it taking space in my cupboard, I just dumped the remaining leaf into a pitcher and cold brewed about 12 cups of it to get through studying today.

Overall still kind of unmemorable. Every time I drink this I hope to have some magical revelation, but I just find myself going “meh”. It’s got a hint of berry flavour, possibly related to strawberry, then there’s quite a bit of tartness. Possibly a hint of honeydew as well? Definitely not a re-buy.

Flavors: Berry, Honeydew, Tart


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drank Lady Grey by Twinings
326 tasting notes

I’m in a horrible cycle with this tea. I drink it, I love it, and then as a few days pass I start to think I don’t like it and I avoid it until the mood strikes me. I blame my avoidance of Earl Grey—though the two are far from similar.

Impossible to ignore the similarity to Froot Loops, in a nice, not overpowering way. A buttery, lemony tea with maybe a hint of orange. Though I’ve yet to try it iced I feel it would really shine. Remarkably refreshing, this may be a summer favourite once the weather takes a turn.

Flavors: Butter, Lemon Zest, Orange Zest

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Currant Affair by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes


Not usually one for rooibos, but this is pretty good. Black currant is predominant, with a slight woody undertone. Not sure I’d buy again as it seems closer to juice than tea and I rarely have cravings for currants, but it does the job nicely.

Flavors: Black Currant, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Pineapple Kona Pop by Teavana
326 tasting notes

Well cold brewed this was more of an incredibly tart, citrus-y pineapple juice. The tartness kind of gives it an under-ripe pineapple vibe but there’s an underlying sweetness that counters that. I found it more floral than I expected as well. Personally thought it was okay, but could see how it might not be for everyone.

Flavors: Floral, Pineapple, Tart

Iced 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Movie Night by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes


This cup seemed to taste more like popcorn than the last. The caramel is heavier and I didn’t pick up on the apple much. Still not to bad though.

Flavors: Caramel

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Melon Drop by DAVIDsTEA
326 tasting notes

Not sure if I used less tea this time than my last time cold brewing it as it seemed weaker despite being steeped longer. This worked out for me though as I found it less sweet and more refreshing. Very much reminded my of Kiwi’s Big Adventure, but with a honeydew/cantaloupe focus. Ended up bring this to my ballet class and it was the perfect refreshment.

Flavors: Cantaloupe, Honeydew


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