Traveling Tea Box: Group A - round 2 discussion
Not sure. I’m a little worried since I sent this out the same day i reiceved it and we haven’t heard anything else since. Jillian hasn’t had a tasting note for 9 days though.
My return address is on the box though just in case.
I don’t want to make anyone nervous, but another member has had issues with Jillian:
and this
(Scroll down to “ch3rryprinc3ss” first post).
Don’t want to start anything, but also had an issue. Took 2 months to finally receive my swap package.
Sil, have you sent her a message? I’m trying to decide if we should both send one or what, I should have her email too just in case she doesn’t get notifications on here. I wish I had remembered those posts beforehand.
Worst thing that happens, I don’t have a problem making a new box for everyone who remains. It just seems odd that this came after all that and she ignored all those posts to clear her name or anything.
I haven’t sent her a message yet. I figure maybe we both should. Id hate for you to have to make a new box for the remaining folks. :( We almost need a sticky with a lit of people that folks have had issues trading with. eesh.
if you’re not following her let me know and I’ll send you her email.
Also I was going to give it a couple more days because it might not even be there yet, but I really have no idea how long cross-Canada mail takes lol 14 days might be good?
Bear in mind that I am next in line so I’m anxious to receive the box, of course, but, I also wanted to state that Jillian IS a university student and as it is getting near the end of a semester, I suspect she may be very busy. Not trying to make excuses for her, just trying to offer an alternative point of view… we don’t know what’s going on in someone’s life, and while it would be nice if she were to be easier to access and communicate with, we just don’t know what’s going on in her life, so let’s not jump to bad conclusions.
Having swapped with Jillian in the past, I can say that she was very reliable. I am sure that she will be around soon enough!
I never doubted you. Can you describe the contents of the box? Or post a pic? Curiosity is killing me! Enjoy the box.
the box is a delightful smogashboard of bags of tea! The notebook of there is course and it was lovely to read through what people took and added to the box. When i had it all laid out on the table it was was covered in little bags of goodness. Mostly loose tea but there were a few random tea bags that were interesting. :)
I can’t find my camera at the moment, but I can tell you that there’s a fair number of Davids’ Teas and Butiki Teas in there. There’s also some really strong-smelling pear matcha that despite being triple-bagged made the whole box smell like bubble gum(?). I’m def keeping that one so it doesn’t end up permanently altering the flavour of everything else in the box.
Just Bumping this so that I don’t have to hunt it down later…
How do I sign up?
No signups, they were done months ago. Maybe it’ll be done again in February but considering my issues with the other box, not feeling like it. I’ll be looking specifically for people who are active on the site for a couple months beforehand so if you want in, that’ll help. I said in the other thread, there were people who signed up you can find at the beginning who completely vanished after asking to be in, and they did not participate because I am trying to make sure the boxes get to everyone in a good amount of time and move on. Hope you understand :D
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