Traveling Tea Box: Group A - round 2 discussion
OK, thank you, I shall proceed!
Just got the box today and it looks like there are a bunch of tasty things in there! I’ll have it back out in the mail in the next couple of days. :)
Hey guys…as it turns out I have to take a last minute out of town trip today for a family emergency and won’t be back for about a couple weeks and can’t get the box back out until then. I’m really sorry about this but wanted to give the others on the list a heads up. :(
Finally back…so sorry about the long delay. Turned out that my father had fallen and hit his head and ended up with subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages…turned out better than it could have since he ended up not needing surgery but I still had to go and help out for a bit. Got back yesterday and will ship the box out this afternoon :)
I’m glad to hear everything turned out well – or as good as it could. :) Excellent news!
Silly me almost forgot — threewhales, I need your address and to make sure you are ok to get the box in the next couple days. I would send you a PM but you aren’t following me.
Mrawlins2 and I are so excited:) we are a mother daughter duo of tea drinking teachers…better get our teas together. WooHoo:)
The tea box arrived today! Yea:)
Yay!! I’m especially excited cuz I’m next!
Have fun, enjoy, & take your time :D
Three whales mailed it, & it was suppose to arrive today…I’m guessing it will arrive tomorrow. Then I send it back to you, right?
The box arrived this afternoon!!
I’ve already sampled a few things, & will share more later.
Just bumping cause this one is almost on its way baaaa-aaaaaack
eta: if you participated and would want to do it again maybe in 6 weeks or so, let me know here. b/c of the hike in shipping to Canada or internationally, pls also indicate if you’re willing to ship there and note that it’ll be double if not more from previously. If you were not part of it before, please don’t reply with how you’d like to participate, I will look for you in a month or so :)
I’m happy to participate in this again if there’s interest in cross country swapping (Canada, US, Europe…wherever). I’ve got more teas since then that i’m happy to share with people haha
Yeah I really want to keep it international as long as there’s at least one person who would be willing to send it. On the plus side, the weight can vary more now because it doesn’t go up at every ounce anymore.
Definitely want to do it again! This was so fun! I’m in Canada, willing to ship to US
This was fun! I’d love to go for another round. But I’m in Israel, and the international shipping….well I guess that’s for you to decide. Interestingly, shipping from Israel to the US costs much less than the other way around. If I remember correctly, it cost me about $6. Anyway, I’d also be willing to chip in on the international postage to me, if you’d like.
I’d ship to ssajami as long as I could get more saffron green tea! lol, I can’t even find that company online!
I was thinking of putting international shipping at the end, so maybe in addition to teas we can all put in a dollar or two or something to the international shipping LOL I can’t believe how expensive it is, I had to find a lighter box for something I’m shipping to the UK because it was over $13 just because the box was over half a pound, AND that was the commercial rate!
I didn’t mind the $10 or so it was to get it to you the first time around but this hike is just way worse. I’ll definitely keep it the same sort of way where it doesn’t have to bounce back and forth between the US and Canada also but I definitely intend on switching up the order a little.
momo, whatever order you decide upon is OK :) I’d be glad to put in a couple of $ towards the international shipping, I just have no idea how to get that over to whoever needs to ship it. If you have any ideas let me know.
BoxerMama, you reason you can’t find the company with the saffron tea, is because it’s not a proper tea shop. It’s actually little shop inside the open market in central Jerusalem. It’s one of my small pleasures, strolling in the market on Friday afternoon, among fruit/vegetable stands, cheese shops and other specialty food shops – there is even a halva stand, that has so many varieties of halva (and for whoever hasn’t tried it, you should, it’s made of sesame seeds and is delicious). Anyway, back to the tea, the shop is basically a spice shop, but they have a few loose teas as well. The saffron tea is indeed good. So maybe momo can have you send the box to me, and in exchange, I will go pick up and send you some saffron green tea (regardless of who gets the box after me).
by the time the box got to me, there was nothing left from israel that I noticed in any case, so I’d happily swap internationally again
I wouldn’t mind shipping internationally. If that didn’t work I would LOVE to do a swap with you ssajami! Or regardless, that tea was amazing and my husband finished it, I only got one cup! lol
I’d love to do this again. Shipping costs from Canada TO the States, while not great, haven’t changed so I wouldn’t have any problem with shipping internationally.
Ok I never really was interested before, but even with the trials of box B, the success of this tea bolstered my interest and I am officially throwing my hat into the ring for the second go round. I don’t mind international shipping as long as the box maintains a reasonable weight (as this one seems to have done). (US, Ohio here)
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