The box is back in the mail – on it’s way to Rachel Sincere!
Guess what I found on my front porch here in Oshkosh, Wisconsin? What a happy event to end a kind of poopy week! I cannot WAIT to dig through this exotically fragrant box filled with goodies!
Awesome news! Glad it could make your day!
Bumping this thread because I had to go searching for it. :)
I was thinking about this thread too.
I also read about the chaos with the last box. I’m glad these seem to be moving smoothly. :)
Hey i was thinking about this today too lol but then work interefered with going to find the thread heh
yes so far so good! I’m very excited.
I subscribed to it. I was hoping to see more pics!
I don’t know how to post pics from Dropbox to Steepster! Total bummer! I guess it will have to be a pure surprise. :-D
lol! Well I’m excited, that’s for sure!
Hey Rachel, have you mailed the box out yet?
Other inquiring minds would also love to know if the box has moved on…. :)
Same with the inquiring mind who is next… lol
I would love to participate in this wonderful opportunity!! Please tell me how I can join!!:)
Emily the list for these is closed but there may be other opportunities once these ones make their way home :)
Please count me in on the next one for sure!!:)
I am sorry to say that the tea box got a little bogged down here in Wisconsin. However, I have finally gone through it and have ideas in mind (muhahahaha) for some wonderful teas that I am going to put in it. It will be packed up and ready to go on Sunday, and will resume its trip on Monday afternoon, with a sad, sad story about having to spend a week and a half in boring Oshkosh, WI, hidden from three naughty cats who kept trying to get to it and steal baggies out of it. (Don’t worry, they didn’t get at anything, not for lack of trying.) I heartily apologize for the delay, it is totally my fault and I should have kept you guys posted. :-( Mea culpa.
No worries! As long as cats didn’t steal it all away for tea parties, all is well :P
Andddddd she’s off!
My kitchen scale is off by a couple of ounces. The post office scale weighed the box at 1 lb. 5.6 oz. So BoxerMama, I guess you’re just going to have to take out a little extra tea. ;-) I hope it gets to you soon!
Man soooo close…..and yet, so far away.
YAY! My tea pot is patiently waiting!
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