Traveling Tea Box: Group A - round 2 discussion
It’s going out probably on wed when I get a break from working and studying. It’s exam time right now and work is absolutely batshit.
Okay the box went out this morning. *currently crashing from a stress-and-caffeine-induced high *
Thanks Jillian! Just a heads up for you guys in this group … I only get to the post office once … sometimes (rarely) twice a week. Usually either Monday or Tuesday. Since this is going to be delivered to my PO Box, it might arrive there and wait a day or two (or longer, if it happens to arrive on Wednesday, for example, and I don’t get there until the following Monday), and then I will not be able to get it back in the mail until the following week. But … I will get it in the mail. Just please be patient with me!
OH… and also, could Meeka please respond to this thread? I don’t know if I am following them or not (and vice versa), and I’ll need to get in touch with them when it comes time to send the package out.
Just sent her a message to see if she’s still around. If I don’t hear back by the time you get the box, I’m not taking any chances with this one and you’ll just send it to threewhales.
OK… I was going to ask you about that. After not hearing back from her with this request, I looked her up and saw that her last tasting note was two months ago. So, I wondered … but I didn’t want to bring anything up yet, especially since I don’t even have the box in my possession yet.
Sorry about that LiberTEAS – I haven’t been too active lately but I will have the box out within a day or two of when I get it. I am following you so you should be able to message me.
It’s getting closer & closer to being my turn, & I admit, I’m excited!
So, are we going to just keep it going? Meaning, I send it back to Ssajimi? Or should we allow additional people to be added to the bottom of the list?
My husband stopped by the post office this evening on his way home from work, and the box was there! Yay! I haven’t had a lot of time to go through it yet, and it’s time to head to bed … but, I will spend the next day or so going through it all … I will have it ready to head back out on its way on Monday. Meeka is next, right? Meeka, if you could please PM me with your mailing address, I’d appreciate it!
this looks interesting…may i know the mechanics of how it works? like the planning/organizing and implementation, etc? im not asking to join, just curious how it works :)
Sure! Back in August I asked for people who wanted to sign up, and LOTS of people did so… I had about 24 in 24 hours! I was waiting for September to start so I then emailed everyone just to double check that they were still in, and never heard back again from a couple people, so I was able to remove them.
Then I split everyone into two groups, and made sure both boxes would be able to go to Canada also just to change up the teas. We had a majority of participants in the US, around 8 in Canada, and 1 in Israel!
I started the boxes with about 18-19 teas each, along with a notebook to track what gets added and removed, and that stuff I’ll take pictures of once I get it back (sadly on the other box, someone has had it over a month and never responded to anything I say, with 3 people left so that bums me out that we’ll only have a very small part on that one, which is being restarted thanks to TeaEqualsBliss). The entire goal is about 72 hours with the box, minus weekends/holidays before it moves on again, unless you’re busy then of course exceptions are easily made.
While you have the box you can take out as much tea as you want, and add the same amount back in. To keep postage in control there’s a limit on the weight. Of course if someone goes over, and they’re okay with paying the shipping, the next person is free to get it back down.
Both of them now have ~3 people to go until they are sent back to me, and then if my school schedule permits next semester, they may go around again in March or something. Maybe make it a 2x a year thing if I can.
Question: I am working on the box currently … I have already removed the teas that I want to keep, and I’m refilling it. So far, I’ve added only two individually wrapped tea bags, and I weighed it, just for curiosities sake, and the weight is 1 pound 4 ounces, and the directions say to keep it at 1 pound 3 ounces … so obviously it was over that before I got the box.
My question is this: can I just add teas to it to make it full (keeping it under 2 pounds) … if this box is sent out priority mail anyway (which is how I will ship it, because the difference between priority mail and parcel post for 2 pounds is negligible, and priority mail allows me to ship it with tracking and it will arrive in a timely manner.
Is this box going to be visiting Canada or International lands after it leaves me? That is the only way I can think of that the weight being over 1 pound 3 ounces would really become an issue, because international rates are based upon actual weight and doesn’t round up to the next pound.
I feel like I’m babbling … Please advise before I go much further with the adding of the teas.
That was pretty much just for the purpose of it going outside the US, so feel free to just go for around 2 pounds. It was just sort of to keep it from reaching too high of a price prior to that just because I know it’s difficult to not want to put tons and tons of stuff in the box and I wasn’t really sure how Canadian rates worked either.
It costs us Canadians almost have the price to ship to the US than it does to ship within Canada. So silly.
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