Hey everyone!
Just thought I’d better report in & let you all know that the TTB is on its way to MoMo, and should arrive on Friday, I think. I enjoyed sampling several of the offerings, kept some things for myself (Drew & Leif begged me to keep the Monkey Farts), & loaded it back up with some wonderful samples!
Do I want to partipate again? Yes!
Would I be willing to ship out of the country? Sure!
Momo, if you need the tracking number, let me know.
Yup despite everything I would love to do this again!
oh my god you guys, you are all A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. First thing I did when I opened the box was read Terri’s super sweet card, then I read the entire journal. I LOVED how everyone added a note about how it brightened their day or how the experience was, so box B be damned, this stuff is going on.
I’m so psyched that nothing I put in made its way back.
Thank you all so much for a fantastic run! Thank you Terri for all the puerh!
Here’s a couple quick shots of EVERYTHING and I will make a post on my blog ASAP and include everything that was at one point in the box. Since most of you will see it again, you can read everything too as I’ll keep the notebook going! It’s so awesome!
ok guys, here’s the blog post: http://twominutesforbaking.net/2013/02/08/the-adventure-of-a-traveling-tea-box/
I made it password protected, so just enter “steepster” and you’re good to go
I just basically listed off what teas everyone added and what was there when it arrived back. :D
I’m so glad that our group had a successful run with the box, & I’m really excited to see it start up again!
YAY! That was so exciting to read! I’m pumped to do it again. I have so much more tea now, I feel like I can offer a better variety.
I’m so happy for you guys that Box A was so successful.. at least ONE teabox in the history of teaboxes has worked! I have faith in Tea Box B though… it’s just me and AlphaKitty left, so I’m sure it will go well. I loved seeing the details of the box!
Man I’m bummed about Box B to be honest haha, but LOVE reading the progression of Box A! Love! :D
are you taking new people for the next round?
Not really yet, I’m giving it a few days before I ask people who were in before if they want to again, though nearly half have said they’re in. Then I’ll look for others but they might be chosen by me thanks to the girl who completely stole the other box 75% of the way through.
makes total sense, I’d be just as upset
I’d be in!! though I was part of the other group.
I would really like to be in too…. but probably best I wait until I’m done my Masters, otherwise the odds of me holding up the box are just too high. :( :( But maybe you or Sil can keep a sample of an interesting tea for me! :P
for sure!!
Your masters will be done before ya know it :D
If the box ends up at my place, when you have a spare weekend, you can maybe come over to snoop through it, take some out and add some in heh
I just finished my masters so I totally feel your pain.
I’m from the other box & definetly want to do it again. Although I am so sad that the journal has been stolen!
Seems like Box ‘B’ should get another run too. Just eliminate the person who was problematic & replace them.
I’m impressed that in spite of difficulties, you guys have kept the box going. Even though a whole new box had to be created, and the journal was lost, still, box B lives on!
She doesn’t respond to emails so she’s very easy to remove and replace :D
I think box a should go to the ppl in box b…. And vice versa…so the boxes do a flip heh
I’m hoping to have B back by the end of the month. I’m not gonna just switch boxes, I’ll probably switch some people between the two and also the teas. So that’s more like a double switch? We’ll see, I’m not in a hurry to figure any of it out right now though it is nice that 5 of you have already said you’re back in along with a couple B people.
haha box A returns sounds like the title of a funny movie! but imagining a box full of tea returning…actually sounds like it would make a cool movie
I may have already contemplated how sequel will fit into the title when it goes out again, lol
You mean ‘the sisterhood of the traveling tea boxes’? Tony joked about that with me last weekend : D
Wow! Almost half a year! (okay maybe closer to 4 months, but still!) That’s awesome!
Momo, if you would like some teas to add to any new box that is in the works, please send me a PM. I have way more tea than I will ever drink, and would love to see it go to good use. I would be happy to send you some.
Or you could start your own tea box, Erin.. but then you’d get a whole box of tea back…
Haha yeah, I cannot believe how much I got back. Thank your for the offer, but I am completely in the same boat and still can’t stop buying! I am considering though when restarting the boxes that one is US only so it can have more tea in it so I will let you know if I’ll take some of it!
Again, people who were in this box, please let me know if you want to participate again. You don’t need to let me know ASAP, but I want to get this box out by the first week of April again. You may be switched to the other box. I will be double checking with everyone in roughly 10-14 days and looking for new people in that time frame too. Just reply here or pop me a message.
Please do not ask if you can join, I’ll be recruiting people when the time comes :)
Indicating my desire to do this again, for the 10000000th time just to make it easier for you to consolidate responses haha
haha I have it on the first topic and should have also added it here, if by now I don’t know that you’re in, I have a problem LOL
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