Steepster's Ultimate Holiday Tea Contest!

561 Replies

What a great contest! I’d start out by sampling the limited selections from Damn Fine Tea since I was unable to order them in time!

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Misa Arant said

I’d have to make the Coconut Pouchong, because I love coconut and the tea seems to be getting good reviews, just in this thread alone!

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Fred said

I would try the SHIKI MATCHA Green Tea Powder first. The reason for this is because matcha is expensive, therefore I have never bought it for myself yet. I hear that good matcha has a sweet taste too.

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tease said

Hot damn, Steepster. You boil my water, haha.

I would probably have to splurge and somehow get my hands on some tea by Mariage Frères, probably an oolong of some variety. I’ve heard fabulous things, and have yet to try anything by them. But who knows, maybe I’d be incredibly lazy and make myself a lush pot of chai.

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I would goto Disney world and make that wonderful Coconut Pouchong.

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I would share the wealth by using some of the prizes to help stock a locally traveling teabox for my peeps at San Antonio Tea Enthusiasts. Of course, that would be after I did some tastings of the items for the group. We’re gaining a new member almost every week, and we are planning frequent tastings for the coming year. Thanks, Steepster!

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andy said

Such a tough choice, incredible collection of tea paraphernalia! I’ll go with the White Peony from Pearl Fine Teas for starters. Can’t wait.

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I have a great young Oolong growing in my backyard that I would christen my new teapot with :)

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Vengeur said

Today has been a day of tea on the Interwebs – first I saw Steepster’s contest, then I saw Lifehacker’s post on flavoring hot chocolate with tea (for those who don’t turn up their nose at diluting their tea with other liquids):

And I would brew the Kashmiri Chai first … good quality chai is great around the holidays.

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becmilton said

After learning how quality Jasmine Pearl teas are infused with their flavor and scent by spreading Jasmine blossoms over the tea leaves, I can’t pass up an opportunity to imbibe! I would choose to steep this tea first, for sure!

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